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Liberals thrusting emergency gay marriage bill through Senate

There’s nothing—nothing—more important to the liberal-left than gay marriage.  They love the whole concept.  I imagine they think about gay people night and day.  It’s the gay marriage government. 

Terrorism is just an annoying inconvenience.  Getting gay people married and liberalizing this country of ours—and staying in power in order to do all this to us of course—is job one for the liberal-left in Ottawa and socialists across our country.  They’ve really quite fully taken over by now, and now they will exercise their power, however illegitimate it may be, and by whatever means regardless of the legitimacy therein. 

And Canadians will largely sit back and watch it all unfold, as they always do.  Most prefer we keep the traditional definition of marriage and families, according to most polls, but they will largely sit back anyway.

Many Canadians are, in fact, in favor of all of this, whether because they were born and bred as liberals—reared largely by state-run liberal-left schools of course (eureka!), state-run and/or state-controlled liberal-left media (eureka!) and a slate of social programs that make the Soviet Union look stupid (Eureka!); or because they have become totally and completely dependent upon liberal-left regimes in order to keep them personally subsidized, employed, fat, Godless, sexed-up, and dependent (eureka eureka!).

The liberal-left worship governments.  Liberal-left governments.  The more left, the more worshipped. God sucks.  Too moral.

The Liberal Party’s Senate, now that the Senate is quite literally a division of the Liberal Party (eureka!), is set to act as the sober second voice of our nation which now apparently means carrying out the orders of the bloated liberal-left Prime Minister, Paul Martin, and his Minister of Gay Justice, Irwin Cotler.  I imagine they get guidance not from God, but from Svend Robinson, whom all liberals adore. 

No need for bothersome public input or for the public to hear any of the proceedings.  No need to draw it out longer than necessary.  Liberals are in emergency mode.  Get Canada as left as possible, as fast as possible, they think, before the right has any chance to make any headway.  Soon Canada will reach the critical point of no return, they believe, and it will all be downhill from there. 

To the liberal-left, “downhill” is a good thing.

Sun Media’s Winnipeg Sun writes: Tory senators blast tactics – Grit fast-track for same-sex, budget bills

Senators have been ordered back to Ottawa next week in a bid to pass into law the controversial bill legalizing same-sex marriage and a $4.6-billion amendment to the budget.

Senate government Leader Jack Austin has instructed the upper chamber to reconvene Monday at 6 p.m. when it’s expected the two bills currently being hashed over at committees will be called for a final vote and royal assent.

Austin has advised senators they should expect to sit until July 21—the longest session since 1988.

Conservative Senator Anne Cools, who sits on the committee which began hearings on the Civil Marriage Act last night, slammed the Grits for compressing a six-month debate into three-weeks.

“It is wanton disregard and wanton disrespect,” Cools said.

“The Senate of Canada is not the personal servant of the prime minister.”

That last line wasn’t even meant as a joke, and yet we have no choice but to laugh in order to stay sane.

Another angle from Canwest Global’s Vancouver Sun:

Conservative senators outraged that same-sex hearings will not be televised

Furious Conservative senators accused the government Monday of attempting to stifle debate over the same-sex marriage bill by refusing to broadcast Senate committee hearings into the emotional issue.

B.C. Conservative Senator Gerry St. Germain accused Liberal senators of fearing publicity, calling it “shameful” that the public won’t have a chance to watch the final week of evidence on the bill at the Senate legal and constitutional affairs committee.

St. Germain’s salvo sparked a rare partisan exchange for the Senate, with Liberal Senator Pierrete Ringuette-Maltais accusing St. Germain of attempting a “TV stunt” to draw attention to his opposition to the legislation.

The imbroglio took place moments before Justice Minister Irwin Cotler began two hours of testimony at the Senate committee after interrupting a holiday in Israel to return to Ottawa.

“Believe me, this is not a stunt,” St. Germain said to Ringuette-Maltais. “Are you afraid? Do you want to sweep it under the rug?”

He told the committee “it has the odour of the government side not wanting to hear the arguments.”

St. Germain carried his emotional assault against the bill into his questions for Cotler, who spent most of his presentation attempting to assure the senators that the legislation has several clauses intended to strengthen the religious freedom of churches that refuse to solemnize gay marriages.

The liberal-left’s anti-family gay marriage bill will clear the Senate committee


stamp of approval this week and will likely receive royal assent late next week—“ass” being the key three letters of “royal assent”.  Liberal Canadians will then wait three days, find that “the sky ain’t falling, eh”, and proclaim that “hey—this ain’t so bad—don’t know what the frick the big deal was, eh”.  And then conclude that “Thems neo cons ‘n’ commservatives is just morons, eh”.  And the state-run CBC will record them all and broadcast it over and over. 

ADDENDUM:  I’m gathering massive, positive strength from all this negativity!  I’ve never been more positive in my life that this is all going to backfire for the liberal-left in mammoth proportions.  Wait until Canadians start hearing about their plans to legalize pot-smoking and prostitution—two of extreme left-wing socialist Libby Davies’ pet projects.  Then there’s the Gomery report and lots more. 

Anytime you read a negative-sounding blog entry here, see it as I do—a tremendously positive thing!

Joel Johannesen
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