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Liberals run amok. As trained by conservatives.

I’ve often mused (or shuddered) here before about what liberals say in private, given the sometimes eye-poppingly ignorant and arrogant things we know they say in public.  I’ve said before that liberals speak as though everyone in the room agrees with them, and their ability to do this is among the minerals at the root of their arrogance. 

The sad truth is that often, either everybody in the room does agree with them because they read or hear nothing better; or they are at best quite willing to accept what they say and give them a pass without offering any refutation or even an indication of any disagreement whatsoever.  This is true of even the conservatives among us who simply let it all go.  I’ve experienced this phenomenon myself —we all have.  (We don’t even talk about that).  We’ve training them to be just so.  So the “truth” is created, Canadian liberal-left-style, with our help.  All else is decried and mocked as shocking right-wing “extremism” or worse. 

It’s partially “the Canadian way” to be this quiet about saying non-liberal things, at least that’s what I’ve been told by our officials (wink!); and it’s partially how we’ve been trained by our liberal school teachers, liberal university professors, the liberal Hollywood and entertainment media in general, liberal governments and politicians, liberal courts, liberal law and order establishment, liberal civil servants, and clearly by the liberal news media including of course the state-run news media division of the liberal-left. 

To utter anything that speaks to good social and fiscal conservatism reeks up the room today.  It certainly takes you off the cocktail circuit.  It’s more than sad, it’s dangerous for our country.

And I’ll have none of it.

Today, another non-conservative commented in this blog as described below, regarding a blog entry about the new group-sex and wife-swapping “Canadian value” that was created a week or two ago by our liberal-left horror show we call the Supreme Court of Canada (an institution which I always append with the words “division of the Liberal Party”, because I see it is just that).  Read about the story here, and the comment in question here, which was posted in a related blog entry.

Here’s his whole comment, which he (rightly?) thought would be perfectly acceptable to post—in a conservative-biased blog yet.  Because that’s how liberals think.  This is how liberals think:

This decision by the Supreme Court showed great disrespect and indifference towards the ruler of all nations, the all powerful, insecure, petty and jealous god.  He, as manifested by the clergy, embodied by Steven Harper, wants to control all, so that we may live a peaceful, controlled, puritanical life.  He merely asks that you obey all of his commands, eat only fish on Friday, wear conservative clothing and refrain from listening to music or watching programs not approved by the religious establishment.

So Canadians, as you go to the polls, vote for the party that will bring morality back to Canada.  Vote for the Steven Harper Conservatives so that we may stop the moral decline that is Canada, and make our home and native land a bit more like the Taliban Afganistan that it has the potential to become.  Go Conservatives!

Posted by “”

Even liberals see the folly.  Even Liberal Party stalwarts see the hideousness.  It’s not liberals who are missing the point.  It’s conservatives. 

Here we have a former Liberal Party cabinet minister—a leadership contender—and now a liberal columnist for the Toronto Sun, Sheila Copps, who is speaking with a voice of common sense rather than as a liberal.  Like me, she must be wondering if her microphone is on.

She’s writing about the Mike Klander, liberal, scandal.  I blogged about it here

[…] Reviewing his website over the past year gives some insight into the current level of erudition in the executive offices of the Martin Liberals.

[…] If that is the language the Martin Liberals expect to see in print in a pre-election blog, what do they say in private?

I wonder whether it would even occur to the Martin backroom boys that there was anything wrong with the Chow-Chow “separated at birth” posting—more likely, they would pass it around, smirking at anyone who did not get it.

The same backroom boys use the race card when it will play well for them. “Trade one Sikh candidate for a Ukrainian as long as it will get votes andkeep them quiet,” is a view I have actually heard expressed by a key Martin organizer.

In today’s party machine, non-white voters are viewed as commodities, to be traded for seats which will guarantee a majority. The only difference in the Klander blog is that the public actually found out. […]


Joel Johannesen
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