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Liberals have always insisted Canadians are SO onside with that Kyoto thing

Which just shows you that Canadians aren’t out of the loop nearly as much as Liberals are.  Of their own loop.  They’re just loopy.  Or is it slimy?  Slippery? 

Poll shows Canadians in the dark about Kyoto

Mike De Souza, CanWest News Service
Published: Monday, May 29, 2006

OTTAWA – It may be one of the most politically charged topics of today, but more than two-thirds of Canadians say they know nothing about the international Kyoto agreement on climate change, a new opinion survey has revealed.

Nearly 89 per cent of Canadians have heard about the Kyoto accord, but 68 per cent say they don’t know any of the details, according to an Ipsos Reid poll of 1,621 Canadians completed this spring.

‘‘It’s a complicated process, and it’s a complicated treaty, and it’s full of complicated things,’’ said Ipsos Reid senior vice-president John Wright. ‘‘I suspect if you stopped people on the street and asked them what it was all about, you would only find a quarter of the adult population knowing much about it.’‘

Wright said the Conservative government could exploit these numbers to kill the previous government’s Kyoto plan.

[…] But despite years of warnings signs, 39 per cent of Canadians don’t support the science behind global warming, the poll found. They believe melting ice flows, hot summers, and extreme weather events around the world are the result of natural warming and cooling patterns that rise and fall. On the other hand, 61 per cent believe man-made gasses are heating up the earth.

[Joel says:  Way to go, CBC, CTV, Bell Globemedia, CanWest Global, Liberal Party, NDP, teachers, sundry other propagandists!]

Also this (hat tip: John):

Researchers Suggest Liberal Kyoto Plan was a Dud

Josh Pringle
Sunday, May 28, 2006

A new report says the Liberals 12-million dollar Project Green plan would have been largely ineffective.

The CD Howe Institute’s unpublished report probed the Liberals plan to implement the Kyoto Protocol over seven years.

The report says the policy approach to rely on voluntary measures and incentives to cut greenhouse gases would have failed dramatically to meet national objectives.

It says the Project Green plan would have reduced emissions by 175 megatonnes compared with a business-as-usual scenario, far short of the 230 to 300 megatonnes reduction required to meet Canada’s Kyoto target.

Oh and this today too:

Asia-Pacific Partnership outpolls Kyoto Accord


Barbara Shecter, Financial Post
Published: Monday, May 29, 2006

Business leaders prefer the Asia Pacific Partnership over the Kyoto accord by a margin of two to one, according to a a National Post/COMPAS Inc. survey.

Fifty-two per cent said they support the Asia-Pacific Partnership, which has voluntary emissions targets aimed at controlling global warming, while 24% of those surveyed said they support Kyoto.

The balance of respondents did not support either plan or said they had no opinion on the matter.

The Asia-Pacific Partnership includes the United States, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Australia. Unlike Kyoto, the partnership does not penalize countries that do not meet emissions targets by forcing them to subsidize those that say they do.

Kyoto has been embraced by 36 countries in Europe and elsewhere.

[…] The survey also rated the performance of Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister, on Kyoto and the Asia-Pacific Partnership. He received a score of 62%. The score was higher than many received by former prime ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin … Conrad Winn, the principal investigator on the survey … [said] “No prime minister in years has had as high scores as he.”

Vote liberal.

Joel Johannesen
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