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Liberals at Amnesty Int’l: “don’t know for sure” that America operates “gulags”!

When pressed (on that evil Fox News Channel—shocker!), the elite boss at elite liberal institution o’ geniuses Amnesty International says he’s not actually “sure” that Guantanamo Bay is anything like a “gulag”.

But it sure sounded cool!  And man did the ever-so-un-liberal media ever not write anything about it at all! 

But befitting my new mantra to welcome Liberals and the liberal-left in general to this web site (see below), I hasten to point out:  liberals aren’t actually like this.  This is an aberration.  Again:  abberation.  And Amnesty International IS actually full of geniuses.  I mean it!  surprised

Amnesty concedes no hard evidence

The head of Amnesty International’s American branch yesterday acknowledged that he “doesn’t know for sure” what is going on at Guantanamo Bay prison, although Amnesty International’s secretary-general has called the terrorist prison run at a U.S. military base in Cuba a “gulag.”

However, William F. Schulz defended the description made last week by Irene Khan, saying on “Fox News Sunday” yesterday that America’s “archipelago of prisons throughout the world” are “similar in character, if not in size” to the Soviet gulags, where millions of political prisoners were killed.

“I don’t believe [the charges] are irresponsible,” said Mr. Schulz, the executive director of Amnesty International U.S.A. “I’ve told you the ways in which I think that [there are] analogies between the Soviet prison system and the United States.”

Pressed to cite concrete evidence that Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales are the “architects” of “systematic torture” at the prison, Mr. Schulz could produce none.

“We don’t know for sure what all is happening at Guantanamo and our whole point is that the United States ought to allow independent human rights organizations to investigate,” Mr. Schulz said, adding that Amnesty International was careful to use the word “alleged” when accusing high-level Bush administration officials.

More than 28,000 interrogations have taken place at the prison and a report released by Pentagon investigators revealed that 10 charges of abuse were legitimate.

The Pentagon also reported last week that of 20 instances of “desecration” of the Muslim holy book, the Koran, 15 were carried out by prisoners. All of the guards who committed the offenses—most of them inadvertent—were reprimanded and/or reassigned.

Mr. Schulz, who gave the maximum amount of $2,000 to Mr. Kerry’s presidential campaign, said his political preferences are irrelevant to the report that is harshly critical of Bush administration policies.

“We try to hold up one universal standard for all countries,” Mr. Schulz said, adding that the report accusing the U.S. of running a gulag was written by Amnesty International researchers in London. “It has nothing to do with John Kerry.”


Joel Johannesen
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