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Liberals (and their media) warn: under Harper, courts may not continue to be Liberal Party divisions

File this under “Give me a large personal break”. 

Canadian liberals, whose law courts division has been stacked from top to bottom with liberal-leftist partisan activist hacks for decades (which is why everybody who isn’t high on pot knows that our entire judiciary is nothing but a division of Canada’s liberal-left political machine), are now seemingly warning Canadians through their media (their Globe and Mail division in this case) that the Conservatives under Prime Minister Stephen Harper are being biased in not appointing overt Liberal Party hacks and leftist/feminist/gay “progressive” sympathizers and liberal activists to the judiciary like they always did while nobody in the media ever said jack squat, ever

And they’re saying it with a straight face, just as they do when they feign indignation and chastise the Conservative government over inaction on Kyoto.  And the media is reporting this (as always) without questioning them—at least they are at the liberals’ Globe and Mail.  In fact the Globe and Mail division seems to be batting for Liberal Frenchman Stéphane Dion and his équipe (that’s “team” in French). 

Read it yourself and see if they don’t sound like they’re all on the same team—not team Canada—but team liberal-leftist.


Tories pushing courts to right, critics say

Legal community fears partisan battles could damage credibility of judiciary


From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are stacking the committees that select judges with partisans to create an ideologically driven judiciary that will steer Canada’s courts to the right, opposition parties charged yesterday.

Meanwhile, leaders of Canada’s legal community raised fears that the selection of judges will be politicized in “bare-knuckle partisan battles” that will damage the credibility of those who sit on the country’s superior courts.

In a raucous Question Period in the House of Commons yesterday, the three opposition parties attacked the Conservatives’ appointment of partisans to the committees that vet applicants for judgeships.

“Canadians want our judges to continue being selected without political or ideological interference. Will the Prime Minister stop his shameless attempts to stack the committees with his ideological friends?” Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said in the Commons yesterday.

What a brazen bout of intellectual dishonesty and disrespect for the intelligence of Canadians that was, Monsieur Dion!  But for the love of liberals don’t question it and reflect back on history, Campbell Clark, reporter! 

In this case, the Globe and Mail made a point of informing their readers that they checked out the appointments to the judicial committee (is this the first time they’ve ever done that?) and found that lo and behold, some of them were conservative-thinking folks.  Apparently that’s worthy of pointing out and some consternation on your part.  I have never read anything like that about the Liberal Party hacks, feminists, gay rights activists, Marxists, or others that it seems to me have been appointed by liberals over the decades. 

If the Conservatives appointed nothing but true blue pro-life and family values and pro-marriage law-and-order conservatives to the bench for the next dozen or twenty years, the judiciary in this country would still be abominably liberal-leftist and barely short of a horribly activist liberal-fest of “progressive” Constitutional “reading-in”. 

So of course the outrage here is not what the Conservatives are doing or not doing.  The outrage here is the Liberals’ abject chutzpa and callous arrogance and hypocrisy and indeed their own disingenuous outrage; their intellectually and factually dishonest sentiments and therefore their total lack of respect for your intelligence —and moreover, the media’s fawning acquiescence to all of that. 

I’ll go ahead and question it even if the liberals’ media doesn’t—and you should too.  With vigor.

Joel Johannesen
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