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Liberals and other progressives and leftists in new abortion quagmire: please ask them about it!

image Either it’s legal or it’s not, liberals and progressives. 

And so yet again, all liberals and all other progressives are in a new unethical morass, a quagmire of unprincipled BS, all of their own making, this week, and this time I’m not talking about the CBC or anything to do with state-owned news and entertainment media, it’s even worse:

Don’t reveal sex of fetuses, medical experts urge
Abortions Feared

Tom Blackwell, National Post  
Published: Monday, April 12, 2010

Two Canadian medical experts are calling for new guidelines that would bar doctors from telling parents the sex of their fetus until late in a pregnancy, calling it a subtle way to curb the practice of sex selection.

Why on earth would they care? 

Liberals in Canada (including those not just in the Abortion Party(ies) but the Conservative Party as well) have all ensured that in this country, all taxpayers are required to pay for all abortions at the demand of the mother, for any reason or no reason whatsoever, whenever, even up to the last week of the ninth month of pregnancy, and as many times as any mother desires.  Because those liberals and further leftists (progressives, generally speaking) have insisted that we maintain no law whatsoever with regard to abortion, the reasons can be anything, including “I don’t want a girl”, the whimsical “Ewww, I got the heebeejeebees”, the most graceful “I got a parties to go to and I don’t wanna look pregnant”, the ever popular “I don’t have time for this crap”, the fantastic “I was so pissed I had no idea what I was doing”, the lovely “I don’t like what it does to my ass”, and “I need to party and drink more before I have babies and crap like that”.

As the rest of us know because we’re sensible, abortion is the most disgusting, most egregious thing ever thought of by humans.  Liberals are for abortion on demand for any reason whatsoever, and paid for by taxpayers, whatever the taxpayers might think about it.  They simply don’t care. 

So because the liberal-ass media won’t, please be sure to take it upon yourselves to email or otherwise ask —badger if possible, much the way liberals badger and name-call those people with whom they disagree about anything — the likes of Michael Ignatieff (the timing is perfect), Libby Davies, and all other leftists and progressives — about this particular aspect of their awesome abortion “principles”. 

Otherwise you should not have a clear conscience.

Joel Johannesen
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