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Liberal-think: The CBC should try to get less advertising revenue. More gov’t revenue.

That makes sense to a far-left liberal-leftist.  The additional benefit (to liberals) is that the state-run media will have more taxpayer money to spend on schemes to defeat conservatives!  Ahh, the blinkered mind of honest “centered” liberals who are really socialists disguising themselves as liberals. 

Columnist John Ivison of the National Post skips over the point in his column today, but at least he revisits the story which the blogosphere exposed for him and his compadres in the “real” media last year.  Of course that’s more than the CBC will ever do about one of the most atrocious acts of immoral journalistic practices in recent memory.  There will be no “Passionate Eye” about the CBC’s pro-liberal, anti-conservative bias.  (Hat tip: conservativegal)

Oda and crew may save CBC TV from itself

John Ivison, National Post
Published: Friday, June 09, 2006

In the salad days of the last election, a CBC producer for The National was ill-advised enough to invite a political blogger to post a notice seeking Conservatives who had turned from the party because they were “scared, freaked out or worried by the Conservatives, the Conservative agenda or its leader.”

“If this describes you, and you are willing to travel for a couple of days and are willing to appear on television, please get in touch immediately,” the notice concluded.

The posting set off alarm bells in the Conservative campaign war room, prompting concerns that Stephen Harper might get ambushed by a stacked crowd if he appeared in a townhall interview with the CBC’s Peter Mansbridge. Mr. Harper turned down the initial interview request but relented later in the campaign after the CBC agreed the incident breached journalistic practices.

Still, the letter clearly rankled Mr. Harper and may explain his recent outburst that the media is biased against him.


This all “rankled” him.  It may explain his “recent outburst”, hmm? 

Gee.  Ya think?  Gosh that silly little boy Mr. Harper.  The Liberal-Party’s beloved taxpayer-funded state-run media was proven to have been working against him and conservative Canadians in their election campaign efforts.  Proven.  The state-run CBC’s president admitted it.  But that’s all perfectly OK and nobody talks about it.  Except to say “GIVE THEM MORE TAXPAYER FUNDING!”

Author Bill Neville, a former member of the CBC board of directors, regarding what he wrote in his “Public Policy Forum” report (God forbid a common citizen—or a conservative—a blogger, say, who watches TV—could ever write a fancy report and then have it quoted in a big newspaper.  Nonono, you must be an elite liberal-left bureaucrat):

He suggested a three- to five-year staged reduction in advertising revenue—eliminating local ads and commercials from news programs, with the shortfall to be made up by Parliament, a new deal with the cable companies or a public broadcasting foundation.

These people are so left-wing they don’t even realize they’re full-on socialists.  They just think they’re normal.  Ivison doesn’t spot the full-on socialism here?  Or he does and he’s perfectly comfortable with it?  Not worthy of any comment? 

Maybe Neville needed to say ”…and there should be more Christian-based programing” to get Ivison’s attention.

The state-run CBC is stacked from top to bottom with liberals who are against conservatives and conservatism and pro-liberal-leftist fundamentalism and Godless secularism (as I see it in my idiotic little “rankled” simpleton brain which is prone to “outbursts”).  That’s the only story worth talking about regarding the CBC. 

Rather than further expose that egregious act of unethical behavior on the part of our taxpayer-funded state broadcaster, perhaps uncovering more about this and possibly other similar cases (could there be others?  No way!  Couldn’t be!  But let’s not investigate in case there is!), Ivison goes on to talk about, well, not that.  That wouldn’t be liberal.  More about funding and how liberals “feel” about it.  That’s liberal.

(And golly gee willakers, the rest of the liberal media is so darn fair to conservatives!)

Joel Johannesen
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