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Liberal sentenced to jail

Chuck Guite has been sentenced to 42 months in jail.  That’s not “good”, that’s “barely adequate”.  I don’t care about that.  What I care about is that in an unusual move, the news story included the word “Liberal” in it. 

The former Liberal government launched the sponsorship inquiry after it was revealed that $100 million had been given to Liberal-friendly ad agencies for little or no work performed.

They forgot to say “for liberals, by liberals, and the Liberal Party”, and some other things.  But it wasn’t conservatives who were involved after all, so they had to save typewriter ribbon. 

But back to the beginning of the article, which I don’t really care about.

Ex-adscam boss Guite sentenced to 42 months jail

Updated Mon. Jun. 19 2006 3:37 PM ET News Staff

A Quebec judged sentenced former bureaucrat Chuck Guite to three-and-a-half years in jail Monday for defrauding the federal government of $1.5 million.

Guite, 62, the ex-boss of the sponsorship program, was convicted June 6 of defrauding Ottawa out of the money for five contracts, including two involving the firearms registry.

The two other executives charged with fraud in connection with the sponsorship scandal—Paul Coffin and Jean Brault—are already serving jail terms, but Guite got the stiffest sentence of the bunch.

OK actually this factoid still gets me every time I read about it:

[Guite] also alluded to political interference from the highest levels of government, but Guite never produced evidence to that effect.

I always wonder where the evidence is coughshreddedcough. 

Also this:

[…] However, defence lawyer Lucie Joncas countered with a suggestion of two years, arguing that Guite didn’t gain financially from the contracts.

[ pausing for laughter to subside ]

And yet:

Guite was accused of steering $2 million in contracts to Groupaction Marketing Inc. between 1995 and 1999, knowing that little or no work would be done.

The Crown alleged that at least $1.5 million of that money disappeared.

But anyway I don’t care about the article!

It did remind me of this video flick though…
image Liberal voter base.
(Don’t click if you use Firefox.  Doesn’t work! Don’t know why!)

Joel Johannesen
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