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Liberal response to tsunami aid critics: the government “got it just right.”

When proven beyond any reasonable explanation even by people in the field and their own staff that they’re wrong, liberals tend to go into denial.  Then they change the subject.  Then they call you stupid, or, if you’re an American, a ‘moron’ or an ‘idiot’. Then they leave to create another juicy social program. 

We’re at the denial stage, but in this case it’s compounded by a whole lot of what the heck did he just say? on the part of the readers and listeners like us. 

…Pettigrew, speaking from Thailand, said the fact that criticism is coming from both directions is an indication Ottawa was right in taking time to decide on sending the team.

“I find the (questions) interesting. One saying that we were too slow, the other saying that we probably were too quick. I suppose the government got it just right,” Pettigrew told a Media teleconference.

“Some military said it should have gone on the 27th, and just a Defence observation team. We preferred to send a team led by Foreign Affairs with Defence and CIDA people that would be multi-vocational, multifaceted.

“It took a couple of days more, but I think we have come to a better conclusion.”  […]

Wait:  someone asked him a question insinuating that they acted too quickly (”…the other saying that we probably were too quick”)?  Who asked that?  The Toronto Star?  The Globe and Mail?  The CBC?  The Magical Fairy Daily?

Joel Johannesen
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