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Liberal Night In Canada

The Canadian liberal media continued its drive to normalize liberal values last night as the CTV network aired a movie glorifying the marvelous quintessentially liberal work of a Canadian abortion industry pioneer.  There are now about 100,000 abortions performed in Canada each and every year—paid for by taxpayers naturally, in state-run hospitals.  Thank God.  (Liberals:  That was irony). 

The movie was somehow squeezed into the liberal media schedule between other liberal values shows such as the gay normalizer “Will and Grace” show, which is all about the fun of being gay; and the gays-are-better-than-straights educational program “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy”.

Thanks largely to the liberal hero as well as the Supreme Court division of the Liberal Party and the Liberal Party itself, abortions are performed in Canada without question in public hospitals for any reason at all whatsoever, and at any time at all whatsoever—even right up to the moment of delivery.  There is no law against abortion in Canada at any time for any reason.  The Liberals refuse to enact any law limiting abortions.  They are pro-abortion.  There will be many people to thank when this movie wins its 189 “Juno” awards. 

This somehow fits within their nation-building strategy.  Well that and gay marriage and pot-smoking.  And finally eliminating Canada’s national defence.  And hating Americans.  And conservatives. And religion.  Go team. 

That’s why the liberals in Canada think Henry Morgentaler, the abortion pioneer, is such a hero—right up there with Michael Moore—and they were gathered around the TV set with their families, or what’s left of them—with absolutely no sense of irony—watching the movie about the great baby-killer and liberal.

Of course the making of the glorious liberal heroic Morgentaler abortion biopic wouldn’t be possible without all the liberal government taxpayer handouts too:  Canadian Television Fund (government of Canada); Telefilm Canada (government of Canada); with the collaboration of CBC Radio-Canada (government of Canada); Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (government of Canada); SODEC (government of Quebec); and the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (government of Ontario).

On another channel at that time was “The West Wing”—a show glorifying a Democratic U.S. President (played by Hollywood liberal and extremely vocal liberal activist Martin Sheen) and vilifying Republicans to the greatest extent possible.  In last night’s episode: the question of whether or not the President’s press aid was gay, and how the good liberal President dealt with that. 

On the state-run CBC division of the Liberal Party, a show called “Talking To Americans”, about how dumb those dumb-old Americans are.  In describing last night’s show, the state-run CBC, on its state-run web site, excited Canadian audiences by advertising that the show ”…relishes in Americans’ uncanny ability to go on at great lengths on subjects they know nothing about.”  Unlike Canadian liberals, presumably.

Joel Johannesen
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