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Liberal minister of Liberal Public Ignorance admits Canadians lack political leadership

THEY’re psyched.  But if anything goes wrong, it’s going to be YOUR fault.  Just so you know in advance.

While doing almost exactly nothing about terrorism since, well, ever, and after firmly adopting the official liberal tactic of waiting until terrorism hits our shores and then not fighting back even then because we simply can’t for lack of equipment and manpower—YOU’re the problem.  YOU’re the one who needs to catch up. 

In actual fact, as I see it, the liberal-left needs to pray that the good right-thinking Canadians never stoop down, look back, slow down, and wait for their government.

Though the liberal-left has ensured over the course of the past 12 years that our military has become dilapidated almost beyond repair and certainly beyond repair for the next many years, on purpose, through their treasonous disregard, they are somehow more ready than ever before.  It’s YOU who are the problem.

Though we cannot even effectively control our borders much less “defend” them from attack—according to their own military personnel and experts. 

Though not two days after the London train bombings, a hack reporter was able to report getting onto a state-run Via Rail commuter train without even a ticket, so stringent are the security checks.

Despite those things, our minister of Liberal Public Ignorance, Anne McLellan, tells Canadians, in response, that dumb Canadian folks are simply not prepared. 

Coincidentally, the headline reads: We’re not prepared, minister says.

Canadians are not psychologically prepared for a terrorist attack even though they are vulnerable to London-style bombings, Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan said Monday.

Speaking to reporters after addressing about 1,000 delegates at an international disaster conference in Canada’s largest city, McLellan said whether through education by government or the media, it is imperative to get Canadians to take the threat of terrorism seriously.

Education “by government” and “the media” is how we got this way, but nice try, liberal!  And see—they don’t need to start taking terrorism seriously—YOU do, you big dumb-head!  What—have you been listening to and watching the state-run CBC all these years you dumb clucks?! 

But do notice the faith the liberal elite puts in you, dear citizen:  Canadians can’t think on their own without a government program to educate you properly, or as filtered through their liberal media.  You’re so dumb, in case you didn’t know, that you can’t be trusted to think for yourself.  Only the benevolent government can spread the good word for you, to you and your children.  Hopefully using highly-paid federal unionized messengers. Watch for CBC-2!

Anne McLellan Here’s a news flash for the minister of Liberal Ignorance:  We’re not prepared psychologically, no.  You all practically told us not to be.  And we’re not prepared militarily, either. You all made that so.  And we’re not prepared in terms of general national security either, thanks to you on the liberal-left and you alone; nor are we prepared in any which way. 

Why?  Well here’s some clues:  Liberal-left anti-American government for a dozen years.  State-run dutifully leftist anti-American media; liberal-left state-controls over that and the rest of the media which banned Fox News Channel until a few months ago for fear of letting Canadians hear anything other than “we don’t need to worry about terrorism, only dumb evil Americans do”; a private media sector which sucks up to the liberals because they sponsor them and protect them to the point of absolute dependence; liberals like Carolyn Parrish, Svend Robinson, Jack Layton, and members of the former Prime Minister’s inner circle calling Americans dumb “morons” and casting them as wrong on every level; and a liberal-left academia that aids in that official state enterprise by coaching kids to detest that which is American or conservative or Christian or free-market or ever encouraging personal enterprise and responsibility.  Things like that provide a clue. 

Thanks to years of liberal-left rule as guided by the sacred liberal-left mantra “if it feels good, ye shall henceforth do it”; and after years of sage advise by liberal fundamentalist emissaries the likes of Michael Moore and Svend Robinson and Ujjal Dosanjh (who sounds very much like a communist to me), and Bono and the genius Barbra Streisand and of course Madonna, the liberal-left government is prepared for nothing, as are many of you.  Well except for gay marriage.  We’re prepared “psychologically”, if in no other way, for that inevitability being foisted upon us.

But you see the government is being held back by YOU!  They’re “victims”—of YOU!

I submit that your benevolent liberal-left government is messing with your mind.  Which makes this the 80th time this year.

“I do not believe that Canadians are as psychologically prepared for a terrorist attack as I think probably we all should be,” she said. “I think we have perhaps for too long thought that these were things that happened somewhere else. But Canadians are not immune to what we see happen in London, Madrid, 9/11. We are not immune to that kind of terrorist violence.”

Oh my God it’s like she got hit on the head by a conservative with a smart hammer. 

Ironically, McLellan also confirmed what many experts have long cited as a major reason for Canadian complacency: a lack of political leadership.


The minister said that until last January, federal and provincial ministers responsible for the safety of Canadians had not met in 11 years. Her department organized the January meeting.

“It was rather shocking. I was stunned by that,” she admitted.

As were we all were, at least us over here on the right, honorable minister. We all still are.

But this is arrogance the height of which we’re all getting so used to that now, it hardly leaves a mark.  It’s as if we’ve become Teflon to their plastic.

Joel Johannesen
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