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Liberal media calls Osama bin Laden an “Exiled Saudi dissident”

That’s how he’s described in Yahoo News photos today, following his new threats to launch fresh terrorist attacks against innocent people.  (Hat tip:  Exile).

Calling him a terrorist would be politically incorrect, and liberals are all about the politically correct. 

Here’s their picture and their caption:

imageAP – Thu Jan 19, 10:31 AM ET Exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden is seen in this April 1998 file photo in Afghanistan. Al-Jazeera aired an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2006, saying al-Qaida is making preparations for attacks in the United States but offering a truce to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. (AP Photo)

Meanwhile, in other news stories, France said today that they would use nuclear weapons against terrorists.  Mon Dieu.  Liberal-left Canadians view France as the liberal motherland.  Socialist, anti-American, fraidy-cats (these are good things to them), and, well, European.  I wonder what they think now. 

And you know the liberals in Canada will be reading the story because it comes from Brest, France. 

BREST, France (Reuters) – France said on Thursday it would be ready to use nuclear weapons against any state that carried out a terrorist attack or used weapons of mass destruction against it.

Reaffirming the need for its costly nuclear deterrent, President Jacques Chirac said security came at a price and France must be able to hit back hard at a hostile state’s centers of power and its “capacity to act.”

Meanwhile here in Canada, leader of the socialist you’ve got to be kidding party, Jack Layton, (he’s “progressive”!) said that Canadians don’t want our troops fighting like such bullies in Afghanistan.  And you know the liberal-left will be reading the story because it comes from Toronto

TORONTO (CP) – As Canadian troops prepare to do battle with insurgents in the mountains of southern Afghanistan, NDP Leader Jack Layton says the public is not in favour of going on the offensive in that war-torn country.

He pledged Tuesday to use his party’s influence in the next Parliament to maintain the Canadian military’s good-guy peacekeeper role around the world.

“Our view is that Canadians support the peacekeeping role,” he said following a speech to the Toronto Board of Trade.

“But what Canadians do not support, in my view, is a war-like offensive role in the context of Afghanistan.”

[…] “Canada’s role is the peacekeeping role, the peacemaking role, nothing more than that,” he said.


Joel Johannesen
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