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Liberal media calls for jihad against New Yorker magazine; Obama negatively portrayed!



Any semblance to the Islamist uproar over the Danish magazine’s Mohammed cartoons is purely coinkydental! 

CTV Newsnet reports the

C R I S I S !

about the negative depiction (yes!  Negative!) of their The Great Obama on the cover of New Yorker magazine, by informing Canadians that it ”…lampoons the way right-wing critics have tried to portray Barack Obama as a Muslim …  and his wife Michelle as a militant…”


image Obama was actually photographed in precisely the kind of Muslim garb lampooned in the cartoon cover of the magazine, and that photograph was widely seen (even by the Obama campaign) to have been distributed by the HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN (oh, and before that by the notoriously right-wing neo-con National Enquirer, and also, naturally, in the famous right-wing African web site called Hans-Geeska Afrika Online as seen below; and those right-wing nuts at Associated Press also provided a photo of Obama in a different Muslim getup, as shown in a right-wing USA Today article). 

image Real live right-wingers at the fantastic, conservative discussion forum site blasted the photo as a fake (and apparently they were wrong).  Rush Limbaugh said it was a hideous Clinton ploy.

If you on the left can get past all the blatantly phony righteous indignation that you failed to drum up every time a conservative or Christian icon or symbol has been roundly mocked in the media or by one of your “artists”, the Sweetness and Light blog put it well: 

You see, it was all a lie that Obama’s close associated Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers are anti-American.

It’s a slanderous myth that Obama’s associates and even his church have promoted terrorists and terrorist causes.

And of course Mr. Obama never wore an Islamic outfit. Nor did he and Michele ever do a “fist bump.” Nor has his campaign been endorsed by Hamas and other terrorists.

These were fantasies dreamt up by lunatic rightwingers.

But nice lie, CTV. 

Don’t worry, like the state-owned CBC, which urgently deployed their expert panel consisting of the Huffington Post writer and the Daily Kos writer, to help unravel the complex situation developing in the one magazine which didn’t kiss Obama’s butt this week, CTV engaged the expertise of a Democratic Party strategist to explain the crisis for us (which she did while explaining that the past 7 and a half years has wrought terrible pain for the U.S. and voters just can’t wait to elect Obama…). 

Joel Johannesen
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