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Liberal media behaving badly

Badly in that childish misleading jealous self-important world-revolves-around-them kind of way.

You know, normal.

Hat tip to one of our favorite readers, conservativegal, who pointed out this item on one of both of our favorite web sites, the Media Research Center regarding yesterday’s Fox News Channel scoop in which they got Vice President Dick Cheney to do a long, extensive, probing interview about the horrible hunting accident. 

image1. Jealous Journalists Take Shots at Integrity of FNC & Brit Hume
Admitting he hadn’t seen the interview, at about 4:15pm EST Wednesday on CNN’s The Situation Room, Jack Cafferty charged that “it didn’t exactly represent a profile in courage for the Vice President to wander over there to the F-word network for a sit-down with Brit Hume. I mean, that’s a little like Bonnie interviewing Clyde, ain’t it?” MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann castigated Cheney for choosing the “more malleable cameras of Fox News” in place of a press conference. Over on the broadcast network evening newscasts, NBC’s David Gregory, the most aggressive reporter in the White House press briefings, fired back at Hume, suggesting Cheney chose him because of his condemnation of the press corps: “Speaking out for the first time, the Vice President chose to speak with Fox anchor Brit Hume, a former White House correspondent, he has been outspoken in his criticism of the White House press corps’ coverage of this story.” CBS correspondent Jim Axelrod characterized FNC as a “friendly” venue: “The Vice President chose to make his first public comments on Fox News Channel’s Special Report, a broadcast Mr. Cheney sees as friendly, and has turned to before.” One doubts reporters presumed Vice President Al Gore was going to friendly media when he sat down with ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN.

2. Katie, Matt, Tim and Kelly Take Potshots at Cheney on NBC’s Today
It was open season on Vice President Dick Cheney on NBC’s Today Wednesday morning as Katie Couric opened the show over a “What’s the Wait?” graphic, continuing the media elite’s whining that they aren’t being spoon-fed information from the White House: “Good morning, shooting itself in the foot? More fallout over Vice President Cheney’s hunting accident as the victim suffers a minor heart attack. And once again the Bush administration delays telling the press.”

3. ABC’s GMA Gives Team Clinton Forum to Lecture Cheney on Honesty
Good Morning America’s third day covering Vice President Dick Cheney’s hunting accident was its biggest to date. On Monday’s show, the 7am half hour started with three straight Cheney stories, followed by two more on Tuesday. On Wednesday, GMA devoted its first four items to the hunting accident. At one point, viewers were shown live video of the four reporters as Diane Sawyer informed: “Our reporters, our team standing by to cover all the angles this morning from the medical condition to political and even potential legal fallout.” In the third story, Claire Shipman’s hot pursuit of Cheney led to bizarre lecturing from Senator Hillary Clinton and Joe Lockhart, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton. Despite their affiliation with a presidency known for its own cover-ups and practice of releasing information on late Friday afternoons, Shipman treated both Clinton and Lockhart as paragons of forthrightness. In one clip, an angry looking Senator Hillary Clinton cautioned, “The refusal of this administration to level with the American people on matters large and small is very disturbing.”

4. Gumbel: Lack of Blacks Makes Olympics “Look Like GOP Convention”
Bryant Gumbel couldn’t resist taking a racial shot at the Republican Party in a pre-Winter Olympic games commentary at the end of the February edition of his Real Sports magazine show on HBO. The former NBC and CBS morning news host concluded by telling viewers that as for the Winter Olympic games, “count me among those who don’t like ‘em and won’t watch ‘em.” He condescendingly suggested viewers “try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention.”

Joel Johannesen
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