Our columnist Steven Milloy writes today about Pamela Anderson’s favorite topic—breast implants. Well actually her favorite topic is animals, but some would say what she’s got in her shirt are wild, wild animals. Or is that large tomatoes—or melons? Well whether it’s produce or animals, or silicone, they’re big shloombabas.
But back to the voluminous points of Steve Milloy’s column. He’s been on this case for years. One of the junk science things he’s debunked over the years and made him famous was precisely this issue.
For those of you who are unaware of our friend Steve Milloy, he also debunked the DDT junk science, which thanks to the anti-corporate environmentalist industry has cost millions upon millions of lives in Africa and elsewhere, needlessly lost to Malaria. It’s really a scandal of historic proportions. Liberals largely deny it all because liberals have been complicit in such caving to special interest group pressures from the environmentalist industry.
He also debunked the Kyoto accord and the junk science upon which it is based. He’s debunked vaccine scares, asbestos scares, and, well, just about everything the anti-corporate and often lying multi-million-dollar, multinational environmentalist industry (hi David Suzuki!) has mendaciously promoted, and which successfully suckered (and baited with promises of cash and support and threats and boycotts and violence…) the liberal-left and others in our country and the world into believing.
It’s all about the boobs.
Here’s a snippet (read the whole thing in the Columnist section):
Since the 1980s, personal injury lawyers have used meritless class action lawsuits to bludgeon silicone breast implants manufacturers and extract billions of dollars in settlements, resulting in about a billion dollars in fees for lawyers themselves. It’s been quite a travesty of justice since there’s no credible science to support the vast majority of the claims against the manufacturers.
As I have written previously in this column, numerous studies of silicone breast implants have failed to demonstrate any health risk other than what may reasonably be expected from the surgical implantation of a medical device. Silicone breast implants have not been linked with breast cancer or the variety of connective tissue diseases—such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis—that have been alleged in the lawsuits.
[…] Personal injury lawyers, who have worked through groups like NOW and the notorious Command Trust Network, dread FDA approval of silicone breast implants since it would go a long way toward ensuring that the silicone breast implants controversy goes down in history as little more than a trial lawyer stick-up.
[…] Silicone breast implants have been endlessly studied. Scientists and physicians know their track record. An expert panel has green-lighted their use. Failing to raise sufficient concerns about silicone breast implants safety, the activists have set their sights on the politically vulnerable FDA.
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