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Friday, January 10, 2025
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Liberal-lefties do enjoy their slavery and Nazi references!

We got a two-fer today!  A slavery/Nazi two-fer! 

Two radical liberal-leftists used the same trope to describe their enemies in as many days. 

One radical liberal-leftist is an animal rights zealot (wants to prevent killing rats and such) named Jerry Vlasak, who advocated killing scientists and researchers in order to stop them from harming animals. 

The other was a (Canadian taxpayer-funded) pro-abortion zealot (abortion means killing human lives) named Joyce Arthur who was describing people who are pro-life (life savers!). 

  • Vlasak compared the life of lab animals to African American slaves and the Jewish victims of Nazi concentration camps.
  • Ms. Arthur says that the pro-lifer’s attitude towards women is like “the slaveholder’s attitude to blacks, and the Nazi’s attitude to Jews.”

This is rather confusing!

This is even more confusing:

Just the other day, Jinny Sims, the head of the radical leftist multi-gazillion-dollar BC teachers’ union (NOT registered as a political party!) said that their militant illegal strike (which they went ahead and called a “political protest” just to remove any doubt that it’s all about their politics) was for, well, I do believe it was “for the kids” (—like I had to tell ya!). 

imageNow, from what I can tell, she either thinks “the kids” are like the blacks of 40 years ago in the deep south, or the teachers in BC are.  She compared the struggle to the great black civil rights activist Rosa Parks’ battle, some forty years ago.  Presumably she’s like Rosa Parks.  Some of her members think so.  (And like Martin Luther King, and Gandhi too!  Note the incorrect spelling of both Rosa and of Gandhi, by the by!  And yes, her members who are drawing such comparisons—-and spellings —are teachers, teaching our young’uns politics and history and such.) 

So that’s confusing.  But on radio station CKNW, when doing one of those black civil rights comparisons, she (Jinny “Rosa Parks” Sims) referred to Rosa Parks’ battle as Nora Parks’ civil rights battle.  So that’s really confusing.  But at least nobody was a Nazi!

Joel Johannesen
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