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Friday, February 28, 2025
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Liberal-left make funnies today

Here’s some of the things that have made me laugh so far this morning:

1. • VIDEO: Symbolic?  President Obama loses his mojo — his presidential seal — mid-teleprompter speech at women’s Obama loses (more) mojoconference.  Gals laugh at the sich-ee-ashon (one in particular would get along perfect with me); Obama finds no quick come-back joke on his teleprompter to slickly and gracefully guide him out of it;  then, hilariously, says “now where was I?”…. presumably meaning “where was I on the teleprompter when that happened and made me stop sounding ever so brilliant?”
What could be funnier?

2. • This screen-capture crossed my path this morning, and I instantly asked myself, “Isn’t that all so redundant, on at least two levels?  Aren’t they all critics of defending our nation as we knew it?”  HINT: It’s funny because it’s true.


3. •  This featured POLITICS headline from CNEWS.CANOE.CA this morning:

LIBERALS are critics of wasteful spending?  Please.

4. • I actually went from laughter to disdain and back again on this next one:  While Drudge helpfully lists even more evidence of the failure of the “stimulus” debt-spending economics of Obama and his cabal of ivy-league progressive geniuses, Obama and Team Failure renews call for more “stimulus” debt-spending.  Trying to be funny?  Trying to ruin the economy of the United States?  Abject fools who have utterly no clue what they’re doing, and stuck in an ideological rut roughly the size of Obama’s growing U.S. national debt?  Any of these could be the answer.

Drudge lists failures in case it isn't obvious yet

Definition of insanity?


Joel Johannesen
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