Layton drops all his grand socialist toys, for now; stomps up and down, sulks into a corner, and cries. Media wipes snot off his nose.
NDP to introduce motion for February election
NDP leader Jack Layton says his party will introduce a motion on November 24 that demands the Liberals hold a February election.
“We will call for an election to be called in early January for a voting day in mid-February,” Layton told a news conference in Vancouver Wednesday.
Layton says the motion will call on Prime Minister Paul Martin to dissolve the House of Commons in the first week of January and call an immediate election.
The NDP leader called the move a “common-sense solution” that allowed Canadians to escape a Christmas election, but didn’t allow the Liberal government to decide the timing of a vote.
“This avoids the holiday election that nobody wants,” Layton said.
Layton said he had discussed the strategy with his caucus and will now work with other opposition parties to topple the Liberals.
“The NDP cannot and will not express confidence in a government that won’t get things done on key issues,” Layton told the news conference. […]
Wah. Wah wah.
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