I’ve been busy doing other things lately so I haven’t blogged much and kept you up to date on the way liberals think. So let me tie up a few loose ends for you!
For possibly the first time in Canadian history, a politician with a huge mouth and a giant shovel, but with unmatched cranial matter, has purposely and needlessly and recklessly politicized the office of the Governor General, by publicly endorsing one, for little or no reason whatsoever. This is much as he has done with regard to the matter of taxpayer-funded abortions in Canada and worldwide.
Possibly this is in keeping with their policy, and their CBC division’s EKOS pollster’s strategy, to freely advise the Liberal Party to create a ”culture war” with all conservatives in Canada, thereby creating a more divisive nation; and possibly also to compete with the successful class war launched long ago by the even further leftists and socialist progressives of the you’ve got to be kidding party owned by Jack Layton, Olivia Chow, life partner Libby Davies, the labor unions, and tough women with hairy armpits. Divide Canada and conquer it! It’s progressive! Then they can finally teach the grade sixers how to masturbate properly and actually enjoy it.
Up until now, the Liberals have kept the matter of purposely appointing liberals and sundry progressives to be leader of all the land — like non-entities from their state-owned CBC media behemoth division — a wink-wink nod-nod, well, secret hidden agenda which all media ignored as best they could mostly because they were a little embarrassed by the obviousness of what were really idiotic and utterly baseless choices. But as I understand it, it’s time to seriously re-investigate all secret hidden agendas —especially regarding abortions. So let’s go with that.
The progressive, big-government-loving and social-engineering expert Michael Ignatieff, as seen at left, ostensibly the Liberal Party’s “leader”, who knows how to construct and rehabilitate proper Canadians into progressive liberal-left government-dependent minions better than anyone, especially parents, has come out in favor of not only taxpayer-funded abortions, worldwide, but also keeping the current leader of all the land, the Liberal Party-appointed former state-owned CBC-employed liberal, Michelle Jean, as Governor General, even though her term is expiring this summer. His reasoning is based on the fact that she’s been so swell, and on the even more sound basis that by golly, she deserves it.
Michaelle Jean is the one who, after Liberals and other progressives secret agenda-dly arranged and directed her to bestow an avid, militant abortionist and a private enterprise but government-funded abortion mill operator, Henry Morgentaler, with all of the Canadian people’s highest honor, the Order of Canada, bent over for them and acquiesced and therefore willingly became complicit in what I’m pretty darn sure was a scam of mammoth proportions. It was what the esteemed one must have imagined was a fabulous, moral and honorable obligation to her abortion-endorsing left-wing root matter. The secret was revealed, darn the luck, and the agenda was hidden no more. But their media division didn’t care because it was so yummy and progressive and abortion-y.
I suspect Ignatieff feels as though Jean is in favor of unbridled abortions at taxpayer expense here and abroad, and so he feels he must help ensure she remain as the Liberal-appointed leader of all the land. Or maybe it was part of a secret deal. Someone get the CBC on the horn!
This will…. um, hey! — it will help him accomplish what I think are the Liberals’ other secret hidden agenda, which is of course to invoke a communist China-like one-child policy with its accompanying mandatory abortions at taxpayer expense. Yes. Sounds right, or at least it sounds something-y, which seems to be the whole point in Canada, in lieu of doing anything substantive, important, or intellectually honest.
How did I figure out this one-child policy hidden agenda, you ask? Well I turned one progressive columnists from the liberal media, Barbara Yaffe (seen at right), and her keen Ignatieff-like logic and reasoning, on its head. Well at least on its ass, for lack of head. And yes I think that pipe is filled with pot.
TIT FOR TAT. (We’ll be the tat)
Again, because you can’t repeat this “hidden agenda” claptrap often enough, as we know, I think the Liberals actually have a secret hidden agenda to… invoke a one-child policy just like in communist China, with its accompanying mandatory abortions at taxpayer expense. The liberal Canwest newspaper columnist Barbara Yaffe, possibly the worst columnist in all of Canada and a complete ass, wrote last week, using completely stupid and baseless rationale that sounds amazingly like an idiotic “culture war”, that perhaps Canadians might worry that the Harper Conservatives have what she ever so carefully described as a… oh what did she call it again…. oh a conservative “secret hidden agenda” to outright ban all abortions in Canada, just as soon as the evil ones get a majority, if they do, which she apparently hopes they don’t. This theory was established by her on the sound basis that the Conservative government didn’t want Canadian taxpayers to fund all worldwide abortions, as per Ignatieff’s and all the other left-wing parties’ wishes, who cite the now suddenly sacred “tradition” of doing that as their fantastic and moral, principled, raison d’être (and yes, they did speak in French like that). Christmas is another matter. It’s taboo. Abortions? Merry abortion! Ipso facto, hidden agenda.
For more information on her intrepid banning abortion investigations leading her to conclude “HIDDEN AGENDA!”, see “Harper’s motherhood issue backfires, triggers secret-agenda fears on abortion”, by Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun, April 28, 2010. She also called the “hidden agenda” a “secret right-wing agenda”, and helpfully included some extremely credible and totally awesome reader comments from her own paper, which included these two which she actually typed-out for inclusion in her opinion column and the Vancouver Sun editors actually saw fit to publish, in her column, which, did I mention, they choose to publish, willingly:
“…this PM and his Reform/hijacked Conservative party sound like a bunch of redneck American Republicans.”
And: “Now we know what Harper would do should he manage to win a majority. Thanks for the hint, Harper.”
She concludes by informing us that this Harper hidden agenda abortion-banning action is all “likely to reinforce fears about Harper’s brand of conservatism and potentially deliver a ballot box boot to the backside.” Thereby she employed the letter “b” four times. I smell a Pulitzer.
So I hope I’ve tied-up some loose ends for you.
• Ignatieff is ridiculous.
• The media is an ass.
• Hidden agenda.
• Abortions.
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