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Liberal Ignatieff misuses a phrase in the House. Liberals: please set your hair on fire.

image  I’ve pointed this out before.  People use the term “begs the question” wrongly. And we all know how sensitive liberals are when, say, a word is mispronounced by a president named, say, Bush.  Actually, only Bush.  But yes, President Bush said “nucular” once about 7 years ago (using the pronunciation that nearly everyone does), and the liberals just can’t let go of that. The National Post’s George Jonas was the last one I caught blasting that big dummy Bush for saying “nucular”—and that was just one month ago.  It was then, and still is now, a favorite outrage and feigned indignation amongst the liberal finger-waggerensia.  An outrage I tell you.  He’s a moron.  Hey and ain’t he a Christian?  Vote liberal. Have a nice day.

Michael Ignatieff, being such a bright light according to the adoring media, shouldn’t make the same mistake.  Especially since he’s a liberal, because as we all have come to understand through instruction in the media and at school, they’re the smart ones.  They use the nuance.  We conservatives are supposed to be the dumb galoots. “Mouth breathers”.

Today, February 11, 2008, in the House:

Liberal MP and the Deputy Prime Minister, Michael Ignatieff:“Mr. Speaker, on Friday, the government tabled its flawed motion on Afghanistan but the motion begs a host of questions.  The most important of these Mr. Speaker is this:  When the government speaks of extending Canada’s combat role to 2011, is this a withdrawal date, or a renewal date? Which is it Mr. Speaker, a limited mission, or an endless war?”

I explained it a while back after I once again caught the state-run media’s Newsworld anchor Nancy Wilson using the phrase wrongly.  Nancy Wilson repeatedly begs the question wrongly.

By the way, Mr. Ignatieff, what a simpleton’s question you ask.  Or as you might call it, sancta simplicitas.  It’s either (a) we tell the enemy when we’re leaving, or (b) it’s an “endless” war?  Those are the two options you glean from the Manley Report and the government?  I got more out of it than that.  (Serious and honest intellectuals in the smart set know that kind of assitudinal politicking as liberalitus ignoramus).

And it didn’t help that for nearly the entire duration of his slow, slow, question (about questions that he thought were “begged” to be asked), he had his fingers on his right hand poised as if drinking afternoon tea.  Let me show you:

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I call Ignatieff and other of his liberal tribe the tea and bun set, but honestly.  I didn’t think their fingers would stay that way.


Joel Johannesen
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