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Liberal Ignatieff blames global recession on Stephen Harper

Here’s a passing thought:

image  Any hysterical politician in Canada who attempts to blame Stephen Harper or the Conservatives for the current global financial crisis, as the Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff is attempting to do, should be laughed out of political existence by default, by those who actually care more about Canada than they do about their political team.  And then never taken seriously again.  That’s actually the appropriate and intellectually honest response.  The stakes are too high to allow for Ignatieff’s brand of pure political bull —or what liberals and their media all uniformly describe as his “intelligence” and “intellectual prowess”. 

Sadly for Ignatieff, this isn’t actually a hockey game.  This isn’t team sports time.  And yet while virtually dressed in Red and playing the position of a left-wing toothless goon, and in a game plan employing a power play of psychological projection (that’s more of that liberal “intelligence” and “intellectual prowess”!) he intoned this morning that ”…He thinks its all some kind of political game,” speaking not of himself, but of the Prime Minister.  What unmitigated, hypocritical, and partisan political bunkum.

In a series of horrendous partisan and divisive statements, Ignatieff apparently blamed Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party in Canada for the global economic recession, and the fact that Canada will now go into deficit.  And as if to prove his point, he described these difficult times using the Liberal Party campaign farce term, “Tough Tory Times”, in a transparent effort to put the blame for the global economic crunch directly on Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party. 

”…And today Prime Minister Harper has brought us to a very difficult time of crisis…”  And then “Today Mr. Harper is taking us back to those Tough Tory Times.”  Not done yet:  “Just yesterday he signaled that we should be prepared for a $64 BILLION deficit for the next two years”  — as if to insinuate that the liberals would balance the budget instead, something we know to be the exact opposite of the truth.  So it’s pure deception as I see it.  A sleight of hand. 

And in a demonstration of his abject disrespect for Canada as a nation, and his utter disrespect for the Canadian institution of the Office of the Prime Minister and of Prime Minister Stephen Harper himself, Ignatieff, leader of “Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition”, twice referred to the Prime Minister as “the guy” and “this guy”, to wit:  “But the guy just can’t help himself” and then “How did this guy get it so wrong?!”

Over the farcical CBC banner “LIBERAL ECONOMIC FOCUS” instead of the more accurate “LIBERAL LAUNCHES GRATUITOUS PARTISAN ATTACK ON HARPER TORIES”, he then had the unmitigated gall to speak of the need for the Conservatives to stop all “attack ads”!  Worse, he then called for “political morality”. image Liberals now call all everything on their agenda a “moral” imperative or requisite.  “Going green” and believing in “man-made global warming” is a “moral” matter now.  Believing in “progressives” as a political force is in fact a “political morality”, we’re told by the left.  Voting Liberal (or accepting a phony unelected left-wing Liberal/Socialist Coalition) is a “political morality”.  (Ironically, limitless abortion as it now exists in Canada is not a moral matter, it’s a “Canadian Value”, according to the liberal-left —and the Conservative Party, by the way).

“This guy” Ignatieff is simply an intellectual abomination.  And “morality” aside, is he being intellectually honest?  Is he even being “intelligent”?  Or is all of that really an intellectual lie

He wasn’t done:  “Conservative governments didn’t build national institutions like Medicare, our constitution, a flag …  Liberal governments did and will!  And that’s what we need to do now!”, he said.  “This guy” Ignatieff is actually tacitly admitting that our very Constitution is a Liberal Party product rather than a Canadian effort transcending all political lines.  (And he’s right. It was and is. Finally it’s been admitted.)  Even our flag is a Liberal Party thing!  (Right again).  But on behalf of the Liberal Party, he’s manifestly taking credit for Canada.  And that crosses all lines of decency: politically, intellectually, and in every which way. 

Canadians shouldn’t allow politicians like Ignatieff to get away with it.  Nor should the media, which actually aids and abets in this by purposely not confronting and forcing liberals to answer for these extremely hypocritical, extremely partisan, and moreover, extremely questionable statements by liberals and the left generally.  As things now stand, they’re all part of the left-wing farce. 

Comments are welcome in the “J-Log” version of this article.

Joel Johannesen
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