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Liberal Hollywood set to take on the internet and Matt Drudge

Arianna HuffingtonLiberal media and liberal Hollywood keep feigning outrage and astonishment and righteous indignation when they’re accused by sensible people of being extremely liberal—they’re apparently so liberal that they no longer even realize they’re liberal—they just think they’re normal.

As if to prove the point, this hilarious story out of liberal Hollywood, in which a bunch of Hollywood liberals (there’s only three conservatives, much like the ratio in high schools and universities in North America) are planning to launch their own “blog” (their word) to counter the Drudge Report, because, they contend, the Drudge Report is catering to “the political agenda of the far right” (actual words by the genius thinker and beacon of morality, Warren Beatty, rich liberal Hollywood poofter).

But OK,  Drudge Report:  “far right”?! 

And it’s a “blog”?  I did not know that.

Liberals are funny.

And they’re going to counter that “far right” Drudge Report, so they’re going to be…. what?  Far middle?  I’m quite sure they’ll describe themselves as “Moderate”, or “Centrist”, because that’s how liberals always describe themselves.  They could be sitting on Carl Marx’s lap, but as long as they’re straddling his middle part, they think they’re being “Moderate”.

Liberals think news is a game—a TV game show or a reality show contest.  They think ideas and philosophies and morals and national security and families are all about winning a game called politics.  The object is to pull the wool over the eyes of the people, control the people, take their money, re-write history, re-write laws, re-interpret the Constitution, and re-engineer society to more closely match their depraved lifestyles and attitudes in order to make them and other liberals feel OK to be the way they are simply by virtue of comparison. 

The new um, far moderate “blog” (which they will apparently “download” onto Al Gore’s “internet” thingy dingy using their very own “email address”) is being cooked-up by the quaint Arianna Huffington, so-called independent candidate in the last California election (she failed miserably when Republican Arnold terminated her rich-girl dreams). 

Mr. Drudge observed that Ms. Huffington had “tons of charm and humor,” but he questioned whether she and her powerful Hollywood friends had the stamina or wherewithal to keep up with him.

“This isn’t a dinner party, darling,” he said. “This is the beast! This is the Internet beast, which is all-consuming, as anyone knows who works in this business.”

Variety Magazine reports that the “blog”, which if it is actually going to be a “blog” will be nothing at all whatsoever like the Drudge Report with which the brilliant, rich, and ever so good-looking politician/actors apparently aren’t familiar, will be up by month’s end. 

Sensible Hollywood, if there is such a thing, would do well to start a blog knocking the poop out of liberal Hollywood.  In fact I imagine this Huffington blog will spawn just that by any number of people—not necessarily Hollywood people—for as we can now see, it matters not what your area of expertise is—it’s just a matter of what you really really wanna gotta have, whaaaaa, whaaaa!  (sniff)

Joel Johannesen
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