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Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion wants to start Canadian tea and bun service

image  image The leaders of what the Canadian liberal media call “Canada’s Natural Governing Party”, Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion and Liberal Michael (a purdy li’l Puffin birdy!) Ignatieff sneaked over to Afghanistan over the weekend to meet with actual leaders over there—like Canadians Generals, our troops, and the manager of the Tim Horton’s donut shop over there.  And President Hamid Karzai. 

Team Liberal learned utterly nothing. 

By way of proof, they came back to the open arms of the Canada’s fawning liberal media with the demand that Canada revert to head of the tea and bun service brigade —rather than maintain its newly refurbished and vital combat role— starting in 2009.  This 2009 date was scientifically calculated to be the perfect date.  Liberals are, as we know, sooo smart!

Al-Qaeda, savage Islamofascist nutbars, and the Taliban were, naturally, taking notes.  I feel as though Dion and Iggy must have known that, but continued talking nonetheless.  That is strange behavior, to me. 

Of course they’re wrong; As those of us in the sensible set know, Canada should of course maintain its combat stance for exactly as long — and then a little bit longer — as Al-Qaeda, Islamofascist terrorists (fascists or terrorists of any kind), and savage nutbars like the Taliban continue to make any effort whatsoever to get their way, anywhere, at all. (You’ll note that the Islamofascist nutbars haven’t yet indicated their surrender-to-us date as yet.  This is part of what is known as a “war strategy” —one which Team Liberal hasn’t picked-up on as yet).  We should hit them back with a response that is absolutely unbalanced, unmeasured, and way overdone using fierce military force and fancy weaponry.  And as most sane people know, we shouldn’t even discuss liberal-style surrender dates of any kind, type, manner, form, style, type, or era, at all, ever, period. 

But then I’m not a liberal Frenchman. I’m a normal Canadian. 

UPDATE (Monday Jan 14):

The National Post has a huge story about it today because it’s such huge news!  Unfortunately the enormous (“MAN LANDS ON MOON!”-style) headline has a typo:  I believe it’s supposed to be “…TOP BUNS…”


Another liberal ad featuring The Great Ignatieff at the top of their “Canada” page informs us by quoting the great one:  “We understand you can’t do development without the security”.  But no—no you don’t understand that at all, Mr. Ignatieff.  You shouldn’t even pretend to understand that.  You have proven to lack even the most basic clue about winning a war.

Joel Johannesen
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