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Liberal exec walks out on Uncle Joe (Volpe)

EDIT: Uncle JOE—not Uncle JOEL.  Slight difference. 

(Hat tip to PTBC reader gotabrain)
In a not well covered article in the Edmonton Journal on Friday they reported how Liberal leadership contender (Uncle) Joe Volpe explained that the “kids” of the generic drug company executives who ponied-up all that piggy-bank cash ($5,400 each)… were motivated by a speech he gave at their school. 

This is the second time today I’ve had to invoke the memory of Comical Ali.

Volpe says speech inspired kids to give

Liberal repays $27,000 to businessmen’s children

Archie McLean, The Edmonton Journal
Published: Friday, June 02, 2006

EDMONTON – Some of the kids who gave thousands of dollars to Joe Volpe’s campaign for the Liberal party leadership were motivated by a speech he gave at their school, Volpe said Thursday.

Volpe, a Toronto MP, came under fire last week when it was revealed he received $27,000 from the children of current and former drug company executives. On Thursday, facing heavy political pressure, he returned the cash.

In a meeting with The Journal’s editorial board, Volpe was adamant his fundraising was both legal and transparent. He returned the money because he wanted to hold himself to a higher ethical standard.

“If the public perception is a greater test than the law, then I want to meet that greater test,” Volpe explained.


Web site Public Eye Online covers an internal feud beginning to take hold—all the way over in B.C.:

Earlier, we noted leadership candidates Martha Hall Findlay and Joe Volpe would be addressing British Columbia’s federal Liberal council, taking questions taking questions from its members. But it seems that bear pit session didn’t go so well for Mr. Volpe. On Saturday, one of our readers posted a comment reporting Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca constituency association president Jason Walker walked out of that meeting after Mr. Volpe said one of his speeches inspired three grade schoolers to donate thousands of dollars to his leadership campaign. The former citizenship and immigration minister said the same thing during an interview with the Edmonton Journal’s editorial board last week.

Speaking to Public Eye, Mr. Walker confirmed the incident, adding he asked Mr. Volpe about those donations because “I was trying to take a leadership role. And my colleagues – everyone just sat there. And I think it’s okay to challenge the errors that we make. And I think it’s okay to challenge candidates around their behaviour. And, if it’s unacceptable – as presidents at the president’s council we need to deliver that message to them.”



Joel Johannesen
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