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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Let’s play Name That Party!

Since Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff thinks Canada is but a joke and a game to be played for his fun and profit and popularity and power, I’ve invented my own game today.  Let’s all play!  It’s way more fun than waiting for the self-esteemed Czar Ignatieff to decide whether to force an election in our country for utterly no good reason other than his fun and profit….

Here’s an article reprinted from a Canadian newspaper.  For our daily amusement, I erased the references to the name of the party making the call for this “emergency” economic plan of “action” for Canada.  Is it the Liberals? Or the NDP?  Hard to tell the difference between the two!  HINT:  Eliminate the CPC from the equation. But not entirely! 

Let’s play! 

_____s call for emergency action

As the economic crisis deepens, the _____ Party of Canada is campaigning for an emergency program to protect working people. A leaflet widely circulated by the _____ Party says such an anti-crisis plan should include measures to:

– expand EI to cover all workers for the full duration of unemployment, with benefits at 90% of former earnings;

– protect and expand manufacturing industries on the basis of a comprehensive industrial policy;

– place a moratorium on evictions and mortgage foreclosures and utility cut-offs due to unemployment;

– increase the minimum wage to $15/hr., increase pensions and take other steps to raise incomes and stimulate domestic consumption;

– improve the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal peoples;

– invest in a massive public construction program to build affordable social housing, rebuild Canada’s infrastructure, and protect the environment;

– shift the tax burden from working people onto the corporations and the wealthy;

– expand Medicare and universal social programs, invest in education and cut tuition, introduce a universally accessible affordable system of quality public child care;

– immediately withdraw from the war of occupation in Afghanistan and cut military spending by 50%.

The _____ program adds that “these immediate anti-crisis measures should be strengthened by more transformative steps, including nationalize the big banks and the energy industry, placing the Big Three automakers under public ownership and democratic control, and introducing a liveable, guaranteed annual income, and a shorter work week with no loss in take-home pay.”

(For more information, visit

Actually that concluding remark gives it away, inasmuch as the Liberals aren’t necessarily calling for the nationalizing of the banks or energy companies, at least not openly, or right away.  That’s a little bit overtly socialist for the Liberals, who like to keep their cards a little closer to their chests. 

These are all actually the plans of the Communist Party of Canada (the CPC!).  Tricked ya.  Oh the fun. 

Thanks to the unknown folks who signed me up for the Communist Party of Canada’s newspaper called The People’s Voice.  I love reading about what the extremist fringe left-wing of Canada is up to and comparing it to the principles of normal conservatives and Canadians like me.  It really does make me laugh out loud like few things do. 

But then when I saw their blurb vying for new subscribers (they don’t take Visa or American Express—duh), it got me thinking that it sounded a lot like all the other newspapers in Canada, and certainly the CBC is almost identical in its mission:  “News For People!  Not For Profits!”  How is that not the CBC? 

And more:  it’s their shared mission to “Defeat the Harper Tories” (the communists — here in this case — apparently put “Harper” and “Tories” all in one word, for some reason, to read “HarperTories”, almost like it’s a bug or a disease or something —or possibly as one of their editorialists wrote in an article, “the scumbags of the right wing”);  and “resistance to social cuts”, as well as “solidarity with Cuba”, and so on.  Sounds like every newspaper and newscast in Canada, and MSNBC, New York Times, CBS News, and so on in the U.S. 

Yet they then lose credibility when they say:  “…we’ve got the news the corporate media won’t print.”  See that’s clearly wrong.  As I’ve just said, nothing here sounds any different than what I see in the mainstream “corporate” or especially in their like-minded socialist, non-“corporate” CBC media, all day long, every day!  “…[H]elping to build the movements for justice and equality, and eventually a socialist Canada…”.  Check!  They’re totally in sync!



image If you guessed the Communist Party without my giving it away at the end, you earned the opportunity to buy one of our right-leaning PTBC flag pins for $10, such that we make a haYUGE profit!  The pins were made by a Canadian “corporate” company who employs commies in China to build them, each of us all making profits along the way!  Use your Visa or American Express cards through your PayPal account!  It’s a corporate/commie panoply o’ fun! 


Joel Johannesen
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