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LET THEM EAT CAKE, EH: Canadian provincial premier heads to U.S. for heart operation

The progressive premier of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams, has headed to the United States for an unspecified heart operation, according to his staff of progressives, leading to further proof of the failed government-run “health care” system in Canada, and the better — life-saving — options currently still available in the United States. 

Williams’ political affiliation is with the Progressive Conservative Party, which is heavy on the “progressive” and dismissive of the “conservative”.  As such, they fully support (with taxpayers’ cash) the current government-run North Korean-style Canadian healthcare system…. for ordinary citizens that is.

U.S. heart surgery could sideline Williams for weeks News Staff
Date: Tue. Feb. 2 2010 9:15 AM ET

Newfoundland and Labrador deputy premier Kathy Dunderdale confirmed Tuesday that Premier Danny Williams is in the U.S. for heart surgery and could be off the job for up to 12 weeks.

Dunderdale told NTV that Williams travelled to the U.S. for the surgery because it wasn’t being offered to him in his home province.

“She told us essentially he’s known about this for several weeks, that he’s had tests done, he’s had consultations with doctors,” said NTV’s Fred Hutton from St. John’s.

“The deputy premier, who is now the acting premier, said that this was never offered as an option for him to have the sugery done, so he left yesterday morning to go to the United States.” …

In the 2008 federal election, Mr. Williams acted out against the federal Conservative government with what he called his “Anything But Conservative” campaign, which effectively stopped any Conservatives from winning any federal seats in Newfoundland.  Ironically, the federal Conservative Party is also a progressive party which fully supports the government-run Canadian healthcare system as it now exists. 

Other articles:
Williams travels to U.S. for heart surgery
Danny Williams to have heart surgery in U.S.
Surgery in Nfld. never an option for Premier Williams

The story is also being reported by the Canadian state-owned, socialism-reliant, taxpayer-funded CBC news and entertainment media behemoth in Canada, which, with the Conservative government’s blessing, competes directly against private citizen-owned news and entertainment media operations in what might be called a “public option” —in fact their specious marketing mantra is “Giving Canadians a choice”.  Like the decrepit government-run “health care” system in Canada, the CBC network “choice” is a miserable TV ratings failure with its oft-repeated broadcasts of Michael Moore “documentaries” and anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-corporate programs and its left-wing bent as a general matter.  But the Conservative Party and all liberals and other progressives maintain its well over one BILLION dollar annual direct taxpayer funding nonetheless, apparently on pure ideological grounds, not unlike their obsession with the current government-run healthcare monopoly, into which the progressives have fully invested their political capital.  The CBC also competes against its “competitors” for advertising and audience share.  Its competitors in the private sector are currently facing massive layoffs and even bankruptcy.

Joel Johannesen
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