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Latest PTBC Fame and Shame entries and our requisite biting commentary - Nov 17 ‘07

For those of you too lazy to click to visit the latest SHAME updates on our annual PTBC Christmas Fame and Shame List, here they are.  The list is displayed along the right column of PTBC pages.  The link to the scathing comments is under that list.  Here’s the latest entries:

This is a supplement to the “Annual Christmas Fame and Shame List” that you can view along the right side of our pages.  This changes as additions are made to that list.  Herein, I document (to some degree) the reasons for those items that are put on the SHAME part of the list. The FAME items speak for themselves—they happily celebrate Canada’s tradition and way of life, and find nothing wrong with it, as those on the SHAME side apparently do.


(new items are added to top; items marked with * are on the Fame list but are on the precipice—about to fall into Shame)

Dell Computer:

A few weeks ago I blogged about a Dell ad wherein they proclaimed: “In the real world, Goliath wins”imageApparently they don’t think the Bible is “the real world”. I smartly asked, “What happens when you do an internet search for “God” on a Dell computer?”  I might ask the same about “Christmas”.  They seem to have adopted the Sears “wish” line for, um, the “holidays”. Their “holiday” flyer proclaims:  “WISH FOR THE HOLIDAYS”.  And if ya really wanna know more, you don’t even have to “wish for the holidays”  —you can of course go to and score a “holiday” computer financed at up to 28.99% per year.  Never mind that your Dell computer “wish” is utterly obsolete within in year and you still have three more years of payments.  I suggest you wish for something else.

Office Depot:

…one moment while I find a totally useless sales clerk / stockboy… so I can ask about “Warm wishes. Cool gifts”, “holiday greeting cards”, and “holiday gift baskets”.

image Liberalvision, as I properly call it, shocked me not, today (November 16 2007), with their oh-so-festive “holiday” poll.  What the heck are these sycophants of the liberal-left afraid of?  Are they so sucked into the liberal-left secular-progressive politically-correct bunghole that they can’t even type the word “Christmas”, even when the question is clearly ABOUT Christmas?  Are they saying that they want to be “inclusive” in framing the question this way, and that they’re in fact asking about not just traditional Canadian Christmas decorations but also “Kwanzaa” decorations?  Ramadan decorations (even though Ramada’s over for 2007)?  Jewish decorations which consist of sticking a menorah up?  Yes I think that’s it! 

Maclean’s Magazine:

image First of all, giving the “gift” of a Maclean’s magazine subscription… is hardly a “gift”.  Second, giving anybody a gift on the occasion of a “holiday”… is simply retarded. Thank you.

Canada Post *:

imageOn the precipice!  Like last year, they call Christmas not Christmas but rather “JOY”.  It’s “JOY” time. “Send joy”.  “Santa delivers joy” and so on.  Nary a mention of Christmas to be seen… until you get to their “holiday” section where they sell imagestamps and more—and they do call them “holiday stamps” yet the one with a reindeer on it is called “Christmas Reindeer”.  And they have one which is all-Christianity, all the way, and it’s called “Christmas Hope”—it depicts Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus (buy online from Canada Post!).  In addition, this year, Canada Post has once again joined up with the Salvation Army to help send gifts to the needy.  And the Salvation Army is a totally Christian organization.  They’re all about Jesus.  So Canada Post is perplexing.  (Refer to this blog entry from last year).

Future Shop:

Like their brothers at Best Buy, Future Shop wants you to celebrate something like Christmas, and buy lots and lots of gifts, but they don’t want you to think of it as Christmas.  It’s the “holidays”.  At Future Shop, the happy-tree festive motto is “Holiday shopping simplified”!  Merry holidays everyone! And say it with Sony!  “24 payments, no interest on TVs and home theatre”!  Thanks to the likes of Future Shop, the future of Christmas looks more like atheist secular-progressive bankruptcy-fest. Sing along!…. I’ll be home… for atheist secular-progressive bankruptcy-fest….

Best Buy:

imageApparently at Best Buy, they’ve discovered something more precious than Christmas.  They discovered “the Wow”.  On their, um, “seasonal flyer”, we’re shown a woman holding a seasonal present all gift-wrapped in festive holiday seasonal happy-fest gift wrap with a Best Buy tag on it, and it is suggested we “Discover the WOW”.  I think that’s a line from the Bible.  “And Jesus said unto them:

‘discover the WOW, mumma, peace out.’

”  And best Buy is really playing it up.  For example, they have “Wow gifts for under $100”.  Wow!  You mean we can spend under $100 on a gift for someone?!  WOWEE!  Of course they also sell gift cards so you can, and once again I quote: “Let Them Choose Their Wow Gift”.  Merry Wow day to one an all!

The Source by Circuit City:

The store formerly known as Radio Shack wants you to buy stuff for “the holidays”.  I think they mean Ramadan. So come on, Muslims, get a laptop so that you can, and I quote from their flyer, “get mobile for the holidays”!  Also, when giving Ramadan gifts, “make them smile this holiday”!  Unfortunately for Circuit City, Ramadan this year was September 12 – October 13.  So you missed it.  Holy sadness!

See more PTBC Christmas Fame and Shame List commentary here.

Joel Johannesen
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