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Latest liberal fascist move by the liberals’ “human rights” commissions: censor media websites

Small-c conservatives stand for freedom + the liberal-left’s political correctness and control everything police are on the march.

That’s an easy equation for you.

Read the excellent editorial at the Montreal Gazette about this latest example of why conservatives shouldn’t keep on just sitting there like a bunch of sitting ducks, not rallying to the small-c conservative cause, and choosing instead to just let it happen

Another assault on press freedom

The Gazette
February 16, 2009

We admit it – there are times we suspect that Canada’s human-rights commissions exist simply to make life easier for editorial writers. Or maybe they’re just trying to make parody redundant. They certainly seem to have notions about free speech and a free press that are profoundly at odds with the traditions of Western democracy.

One of the worst of the lot is the Ontario Human Rights Commission, infamous for trying – and failing – to drag Maclean’s magazine and writer Mark Steyn before its tribunal because some Muslims and a few law students claimed that an article Steyn wrote was offensive.

Last week this commission managed to outdo even that shabby misadventure, with a preposterous suggestion that every publication in the country, including “media services” websites, be required by law to belong to a national press council that could adjudicate breaches of professional standards and complaints of discrimination. Chillingly, the council would have the power to order offending media to publish its findings, along with counterarguments from complainants. And in a bit of verbal legerdemain that would make Big Brother wince, the commission claimed that this would not constitute censorship.


Ontario’s chief human-rights commissioner, Barbara Hall, cites fears about what’s on the big bad unregulated Internet to justify a media watchdog.


The underlying problem here might be that liberty has once again run into one of its most formidable foes – the bureaucratic mind. Such minds recoil at the unruliness of the media – among other things – and won’t rest until all participants in public discourse are fully regulated by government. They do all this “for the common good,” of course.

But when they succeed, we can all kiss our precious freedoms goodbye.

The Gazette endorsed Prime Minister Harper and the Conservatives in the last election, but you have to wonder if they’re wondering why.

(Thanks to twh for this article)

Joel Johannesen
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