Monday, June 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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“Ladies and Gentlement, Mr. Bruce… oh never mind”

Interesting story out of Canada’s National Post—one of two or three non-liberal-left papers in Canada.  And the timing is perfect because it’s too late for the Democrats to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Seems an ad firm, Pere Partners, a New York ad agency that specializes in the entertainment industry, has done a poll suggesting that Bruce Springsteen’s foray into politics last week (stumping for Kerry), actually turned voters OFF of the Democratic Party and Kerry.

While many stars have spoken out about their presidential preference, with most opting for Mr. Kerry, a major ad industry study shows most voters prefer candidates who keep their distance from Hollywood. The exception is the celebrities who do not ram their political opinions down voters’ throats.

Known to fans as The Boss, Mr. Springsteen is so outspoken he drives twice as many people to Mr. Bush as he keeps for Mr. Kerry, says the poll by Pere Partners, a New York ad agency that specializes in the entertainment industry.

But even though he’s a movie star, Mr. Schwarzenegger is more easily accepted when he pushes his views because he has already moved into politics, being elected Governor of California.

The survey names Michael Moore, director of Fahrenheit 9/11, as another high-profile celebrity whose campaigning is doing more harm than good to Mr. Kerry.

The poll isn’t all good news for Republicans—On the negative side for Republicans are (surprisingly to me), Bill O’Reilly—surprising because I figure he’s responsible for turning more liberals into conservatives than most people… I think people just like him to stay in the no-spin zone.

Joel Johannesen
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