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Know the enemy - part 329

More university professors for the state-run CBC to interview for that “expert opinion” on the Bush administration and Americans.  (Hat tip to emailers)

imageWatch the video of this moonbat university professor who aims to teach his class that Dick Cheney planned the 9/11 terror attacks. 

He says it was “…an inside job… commanded by Cheney”.

His source for his information?  Hi cites “scholarly sources” from universities across the nation.

“Clearly the three buildings in New York were brought down by controlled demolitions with explosives.  Yeeesss there were probably some kind of planes run into them to create a diversion…”

State legislators demand college bar him from teaching Islam course

MADISON, Wisconsin (AP)—More than 60 state lawmakers are urging the University of Wisconsin-Madison to fire an instructor who has argued that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 terrorist attacks.

A letter sent Thursday and signed by 52 Assembly representatives and nine state senators condemns a decision to let Kevin Barrett teach an introductory class on Islam this fall.

U.W.-Madison Provost Pat Farrell launched a review after Barrett spoke last month on a talk show about his views that the terrorist attacks were the result of a government conspiracy to spark war in the Middle East. After the review, Farrell said Barrett was a qualified instructor who can present his views as one perspective on the attacks.


The theory is apparently part of an Introduction to Islam class.  Their religion, according to this liberal moonbat, includes conspiracy theories about Bush/Cheney and “neo-cons”.  (By “their religion” I mean the liberals’ religion).

Joel Johannesen
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