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John Stossel now on our Columnist team

I’m happy to let you know that John Stossel has joined our team of columnists in our Columnists section.  His first column is now posted. 

John StosselJohn is co-anchor of the ABC News program 20/20 and a best-selling author.  He’s currently on tour in Canada (just left Toronto and Calgary yesterday and is in Vancouver right now) launching his latest book.  I read his first book, Give Me A Break and really enjoyed it.  It speaks to the lunacy of big fat governments and their ridiculous quest to grow and make stupid decisions. 

John Stossel clearly gets it.  Therefore, he has been globally shunned by the liberal media because he’s not “one of them”.  He’s not a liberal.  He doesn’t hate business and capitalism and profits!  He talks about the left’s dislike of him at length in his first book. 

image His new book is called Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity

Watch this ABC interview where he gets to talk about it a bit. 

image Stossel ABC interview

Meanwhile,  I love how the Canadian liberal media’s Windsor Star (Canwest Global) covered his book tour of Canada with a Canadian Press story by playing word and mind games with its readers in its headline, in their apparent effort to warn against John Stossel and his book tour by calling it his “stupidity tour”.  That’s the liberal media liberal “nuance” at work —it’s not so nuanced to sensible people with brains. 

ABC news correspondent John Stossel takes stupidity tour to Canada

Published: Wednesday, May 31, 2006

TORONTO (CP) – ABC News correspondent John Stossel says life north of the border may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

The outspoken author and journalist is in Toronto to promote his new book, Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel – Why Everything You Know is Wrong.

Stossel says Canadians are missing out on the benefits of private health care and that the public education system is detrimental to the development of the country’s youth.

He also says the Canadian pharmaceutical industry suffers from a lack of innovation.

Stossel is a self-proclaimed libertarian who attacks both the political left and the right in the United States.

He was speaking today at an event staged by the right-wing Fraser Institute.

The Canadian Press was aghast that he dare speak the truth about Canada’s North Korean-style healthcare system:

Stossel says universal health care a mistake


Canadian Press
Published: Thursday, June 01, 2006

TORONTO (CP)—It’s enough to make Tommy Douglas spin in his grave: Canada’s cherished public health system is destined to collapse because it’s missing out on the competitive benefits of being run by the private sector.

Then again, no one will ever accuse John Stossel of being a conformist.

Stossel, a celebrated author, journalist and well-known contrarian, spent Wednesday in Toronto promoting his latest book, called Myths, Lies and Outright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel—Why Everything You Know is Wrong.

“Somebody stopped me on the street in New York and said, ‘Are you John Stossel? I hope you die soon,’ ” the ABC News correspondent said during a luncheon speech in Toronto hosted by the right-wing Fraser Institute.

“In Manhattan, to be a conservative is akin to being a child molester. But I’m not much of a conservative, I’m a libertarian. But liberals call me a conservative and hate me because I defend business.”

Stossel told his audience he believes Canadians are missing out on many economic and competitive benefits by eschewing private health care.

“Isn’t choice what Canada is supposed to be about?” he asked. “You don’t even have the freedom to buy private health care . . . you don’t know what you’re missing.”

Stossel is fond of attacking both the political left and the right in the U.S. He has won 19 Emmy awards for his television work and hosts the popular “Give me a Break” segment on ABC’s newsmagazine show 20/20.

He’s known for advocating small government and supporting capitalism, something he said is an unpopular concept among American and Canadian journalists.

Stossel compared the structure of some of Canada’s social programs to those of the former Soviet Union, and warned that socialism does not work.

“It takes a long time for socialist systems to break down,” he said, noting that Canadians are already travelling to U.S. cities like Buffalo for medical treatment that they can’t get in a timely way at home.

“At first they work . . . but it’s a slow breakdown.”


Anyway, it should be fun to have him on board here.

Joel Johannesen
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