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Job well done, liberal media! feigns astonishment that Canadians favour Democrats

imageAfter my having spent the past four or five years explaining how, as I see it, totally biased and unbalanced the Canadian liberal media is, and how they so favour, push the virtues of, and outright suck up to liberals, sundry leftists, and Democrats in the United States (and here); and how they denigrate conservatives generally; and after my spending quite a few minutes just in the past few days proving it yet again as I often do in this space beyond any doubt in my mind or that of any sensible person, liberalvision today reports with barely disguised glee that Canadians favor Democrats in the U.S. by a huge margin. 

Well you don’t say. 

I’m not entirely convinced that Canadians know what in tarnation the “Republican Party” is (to say nothing of their candidates), short of it being the bane of the planet’s existence and the very source of all evil (and big old anti-liberal-left if it feels good, do it lifestyle party-poopers!). 

Ask Canadians if they think that’s what the Republican Party is and see what your answer is!  Is the Republican Party in fact the bane of your existence, destroyer of all the Earth, squares, full of neocon nutbars and morons and other Christians, and the source of all evil;  or not?  Yes?  Thank you for your time!  Buh bye! 

And to think that all of this is without the help of the liberal-leftist entertainment industry and their brethren in academia teaching our kids in public schools that Republicans—conservatives—Christians—George Bush and Dick Cheney—“neocons”—are pure evil and are knuckle-dragging stupid morons?  Well it’s all just so incredible.

Surprising, in fact, as I understand it!  The article’s author (a fella named “Canadian Press”) could hardly hide his or her exuberance but they tried.  They started out one of their paragraphs with the words, “Perhaps most surprisingly…”

“The survey, provided exclusively to The Canadian Press, said 49 per cent of Canadians expressed a fondness for the Democrats while only 12 per cent did the same for Republicans.”

This is of course according to a totally perfectly scientific poll conducted by… fair and balanced Canadian pollsters. 

Yes, I’m so sure they are all “surprised” over there at the Canadian Press (and “most surprised” implies that other things in their report “surprised” them too!  I wonder what.  They don’t say.) 

They’re not “surprised”.  What they are, in fact, as I see it, are “clinking glasses in the bar after work”.  “Feeling vindicated”.  “High-fiving”.  Readying their next fair and balanced report. 

Joel Johannesen
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