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Monday, March 10, 2025
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As eight of the most powerful world leaders were convening in Gleneagles, Scotland for the G8 Summit trying to figure out how to battle poverty, salvage human lives, stop the AIDS epidemic in Africa and keep our globe from warming . . . what does militant Islam do to help? Well, they set off four bombs in the heart of London killing 50+ people and seriously injuring over 700. 

Being the tough guys and mighty combatants that they are, these “warriors of god” intentionally targeted civilian men, women and children who were stuck in mass transit being armed only with briefcases, BlackBerry’s and Starbucks.

But that’s okay with these lobotomized, zealous zombies, because according to these wizards—and backed up by the Quran, mind you—Allah “green lights” this bellicose behavior.  He even wills it.  And who are they to withhold from Allah what he wants?  He can be pretty moody sometimes, and they wouldn’t want to make him irate.  So, as good subjects, these Saladin wannabes are here to help him with his celestial mission of liquidating those who will not bow to Allah, in particular those who are enjoying their prosperity and liberty way too much.  You know . . . the “Great Satan” crowd. 

Oh, I’m sorry.  I must beg my reader’s forgiveness: according to some of the still- loopy-Euro-socialist throng, we don’t know if radical and ridiculous jihadists were the perpetrators of this pathetic act.  Maybe they’re right. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions and vilify al Qaeda or any other al-I’m-Frickin’-Nutza cabal, as it could be the work of some really infuriated disenfranchised Presbyterian sect or a militant wing of the Girl Scouts who committed this cowardly act of terrorism.

Supposing that it actually is Islamic radicals who were responsible for this gutless, heinous act, what possible good could come from this bad which occurred on 7/7?  Here are several lessons I hope we learn from this last disaster and remember for . . . let’s say . . . the next 400 years.

1. For those of us who have forgotten that we’re in a war on terror, we need a fresh realization that these whack jobs are still around, they’re still insane and they are not going to be a part of our global reindeer game.  This is good for those of us who were growing sleepy and passive post-911.  As much as we’d like to think militant Muslims will just go away, or that we can change them through appeasement, or calm them down via our slick, politically correct verbal gymnastics, the reality is that the only thing that is going to stop militant Muslims is death.  We must route out radical Muslims wherever they may be found and by whatever means necessary.  It is either us or them.  I say let’s make it them . . . on our terms and on their turf.  Understand, por favor, that they’re implacable.  There is nothing to negotiate with them.  Sorry, but that’s reality.  Therefore, we must support their deaths on their sod or be prepared for our own on ours.  Go, Bush!

2. Hopefully, this will end the Lysol-disinfecting attempts of swabbing the terrorists and their rogue nations by certain sectors of our American press that is (for whatever reason) wedged up the enemies’ backside.  When a murderous thug of thousands of innocent civilians, ala Zarqawi, can now be referred to in the New York Times by their reporter Edward Wong as a “Jordanian fighter,” I think that’s a good indicator that we are beginning to get this thing bass ackwards. 

3. Hopefully, Europe will cease its anti-American, “the U.S. is evil” rhetoric and realize that it wasn’t us who just attempted to kill hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent Brits on London’s streets.  Given the fact that Europe has millions of Muslims living in their own backyard, with many combative sects going unmonitored and uncensored, they might ought to dial down their anti-American diatribe and begin to fear for their lives and seek our assistance in helping them to kick to hell’s curb these murderous militants.

4. And lastly, may the London attacks serve us by causing us to up security for our nation, by causing us to preventively squeeze harder potential home grown threats via Homeland Security, by making our borders tighter than Tamilee Webb’s buns of steel, by increasing the flow of intel between our intelligence agencies, by making us determined to spread freedom and democracy to arcane cultures and by realizing this is going to be a long, long war of good vs. evil, and these guys are pure evil.

* Logon to to hear Doug’s interview with author Ed Klein concerning his best selling book, The Truth About Hillary.

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Doug Giles

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