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Iraq soldier writes: “Media’s coverage has distorted world’s view of Iraqi reality”

The World Tribune printed this story written by a U.S. military man in Iraq.  The funny thing is, I have never heard about this man’s story on CNN or CBS or in Canada at all.  You’d think they were hiding stories like this.  And you’d be right to think that. 

The writer explains using example after example, how the media has completely distorted the Iraq story beyond belief.  He explains that the story is practically the opposite, in many cases, to what you see and hear.

Unfortunately, the soldier took either a (losing) diplomatic approach to his story, for whatever reason, or he is even more sadly missing the obvious fact—that many of those on the liberal-left (and that’s most of the media) simply want America to fail in Iraq.  This bad reporting isn’t happening by accident—it’s on purpose.  While he and other brave service men and women are fighting to win, they’re fighting to lose.  They can’t wait to report the defeat of President George W. Bush and of America. 

[World Tribune] Editors’ Note: LTC Tim Ryan is Commander, Task Force 2-12 Cavalry, First Cavalry Division in Iraq. He led troops into battle in Fallujah late last year and is now involved in security operations for the upcoming elections. He wrote the following during “down time” after the Fallujah operation. His views are his own.

All right, I’ve had enough. I am tired of reading distorted and grossly exaggerated stories from major news organizations about the “failures” in the war in Iraq. “The most trusted name in news” and a long list of others continue to misrepresent the scale of events in Iraq. Print and video journalists are covering only a fraction of the events in Iraq and, more often than not, the events they cover are only negative.

The inaccurate picture they paint has distorted the world view of the daily realities in Iraq. The result is a further erosion of international support for the United States’ efforts there, and a strengthening of the insurgents’ resolve and recruiting efforts while weakening our own. Through their incomplete, uninformed and unbalanced reporting, many members of the media covering the war in Iraq are aiding and abetting the enemy.

The fact is the Coalition is making steady progress in Iraq, but not without ups and downs. So why is it that no matter what events unfold, good or bad, the media highlights mostly the negative aspects of the event? The journalistic adage, “If it bleeds, it leads,” still applies in Iraq, but why only when it’s American blood?

[…] More recently, a major news agency’s website lead read: “Suicide Bomber Kills Six in Baghdad” and “Seven Marines Die in Iraq Clashes.” True, yes. Comprehensive, no. Did the author of this article bother to mention that Coalition troops killed 50 or so terrorists while incurring those seven losses? Of course not. Nor was there any mention about the substantial progress these offensive operations continue to achieve in defeating the insurgents. Unfortunately, this sort of incomplete reporting has become the norm for the media, whose poor job of presenting a complete picture of what is going on in Iraq borders on being criminal.

[…] Did anyone show the world how this enemy had huge stockpiles of weapons in schools and mosques, or how he used these protected places as sanctuaries for planning and fighting in Fallujah and the rest of Iraq? Are people of the world getting the complete story? The answer again is no!

[…Read the whole thing…]

Joel Johannesen
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