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Ignatieff says Canadian taxpayers must fund abortions … for the world! An abortion in every pot!

The compassionate respectful one, the dear leader of Canada’s Liberal know-it-all elite, Michael Ignatieff, is moving more quickly than usual to jump down Prime Minister Harper’s throat, this week.  Or as Michael Ignatieff calls Harper,Michael Ignatieff “that guy”, as a sign of his great “respect” for “Canada’s institutions”. 

This, because this week the Prime (“that guy”) Minister dared to tread on what Ignatieff and all liberal-leftists seem to perceive as liberal-leftist territory or property:  women.  Well, women and children… or as Michael Ignatieff sees it, women and children if the women choose to let their babies live and if not, it’s him and the government to the rescue once again!  This time to “save” not the banks, not the economy or capitalism or democracy or Canada’s institutions, but the children!…. well actually, not so much “save” them as, well, government “investing” in their untimely demise.  So actually it is kinda the same! 

Yes, plebeians of the world, we should all pitch in with our hard-earned money and help end those evil little lives by saving them and investing in them!  It’s for the kids!  Ooh again… not so much…. But it’s, it’s, it’s, why it’s a core function of government!  That is, it is to a liberal-left zealot, or a progressive ideologue, or your average big government nob bent on global governments’ social engineering and funding of abortions.  Or as Ignatieff strains to call abortion, anythingbutthatwordabortion.

…As host of the G8 summit this year, Harper last week outlined his plan to champion a major initiative to improve the health of women and children in the world’s poorest regions. He said Canada would seek to mobilize G8 governments and non-government organizations, as well as private foundations.

Ignatieff raised the issue earlier in the day, telling a Liberal-organized forum on international aid that Harper’s initiative is “better late than never,” and that Liberals support the plan so long as it includes abortion and birth control.

“If you’re going to invest in women, you’ve got to invest in the full gamut of reproductive health services,” he said, winning applause from an audience of Liberal MPs and representatives of about 50 non-government aid, rights and humanitarian organizations.

“This is the last place to start playing politics here and ideology here. Women are entitled to the full gamut of reproductive health services and that includes termination of pregnancy and contraception.” …

Montreal Gazette

I just can’t get enough of that reference to the big nanny-state — ooh…poor choice of words, huh? — “investing” in women as if they’re chattel, or yet another universal social program run by and socially engineered by progressive governments and whose “reproductive health services” are paid for by the taxpayers of the global community because after all, “it takes a community”, by gum! 

As readers and all actual thinkers know, abortion is the most disgusting, most egregious thing ever thought of by humans.

Joel Johannesen
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