…then claim you want to kill all the Jews and all the Christians. Then “compromise”, and settle for just the Jews. That will be pleasing to the diplomats because of all the talking and the diplomacy and the compromising.
Iran remains defiant over nuke program
TEHRAN, Iran—Iran’s hardline president maintained a defiant tone Saturday ahead of talks with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on the country’s suspect nuclear program.
Annan flew into Tehran two days after Iran failed to meet a U.N. deadline for suspending its enrichment of uranium. Iran now faces the possibility of economic sanctions under a U.N. Security Council resolution approved July 31.
[…] Iran had until midnight Thursday to halt its enrichment activities or face the possibility of economic sanctions under a UN Security Council resolution passed July 31.
Although the UN nuclear watchdog reported Thursday that Iran has not halted enrichment, thereby opening the way for punitive measures, U.S. and other officials said no action would be sought before a key European diplomat meets with Tehran’s atomic chief next week to seek a compromise.
So here’s our word of the day:
com·pro·mise (kmpr-mz)
a. A settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions
v. com·pro·mised, com·pro·mis·ing, com·pro·mis·es
1. To settle by concessions.
Right. Lesson learned. Again. U.N. resolutions are only suggestions, not unlike what the friendly waiter suggests at a multicultural restaurant. If you don’t like the suggestion, pick something you’d prefer off the menu. Go Russian or Chinese or Iranian!
Of course it’s all very confusing. Only a few days ago, the U.N. Maitre d’ croaked this noble advise, with regard to the U.N. resolution dealing with the Hezbollah terrorists and Israel: Kofi Annan called U.N. resolution 1701 “a fixed menu.”
“It’s not a buffet … It’s not an a la carte menu where you choose and pick. We have to implement 1701 in its entirety and …
So perhaps you can see where the confusion lies.
Here’s an idea just off the top of my head: No compromising.
Quote of the day:
The head of the IAEA [the U.N. Int’l Atomic Energy Agency], Mohammed ElBaradei, has said there is still room for diplomacy.
From a BBC report about Iran and the U.N. almost exactly one year ago.
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