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Wednesday, February 5, 2025
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I wrote right-wing things today.

Actually bunches of fantastic conservative-friendly folks said conservative-friendly things in the latter part of this week in our Columnist section, including me. 

I started with a theatrical thang.  I hope to make it into a CBC movie someday.  It could happen.  Here’s a snippet—it’s called ‘Morning, Canada!  Would you like your Liberals coddled or fried?:


Media cafe waitpersonage: And how much pork would you like with that coddled Liberal?

Me: No, no pork.  I’m just a


Canadian.  And I’d like my Liberals fried.  Well done.  Scrabble ‘em.  Boil ‘em. Cook ‘em.

Media cafe waitpersonage: Yes it will be coddled.  No, you cannot have it fried.  Just eat it.  EAT IT NOW.

Me: Visit!

Media cafe waitpersonage: La-la-la-lala-la-la!  I can’t hear you!  Now.  For desert? In Canada, the Fraser Institute is “right wing”. Radically left-wing organizations are just “normal”.  Eat it NOW.

As the liberal media fumbles through the end of what was a weekus horribilis for Liberals inside and outside the media, in which they had to come to the Party’s rescue almost as if it were a replay of the 2004 election when the Conservatives were gaining on them—they must have thought they could take the day off today.  […]

Anthony Oluwatoyin wrote an excellent piece on the effort from the Conservative Party this week to raise the age of sexual consent from 14 (or even 12) to 16—or as I can personally note was reported in a Vancouver Sun headline this week (with my emphasis), “Tories fail to raise age of consent”—as if it were the Conservatives’ fault.  His piece is called “Uncle Wally, Aunt Sally, Huck Finn, Puppies and a BC pervert”.  Here’s a snippet of his excellent writing:


[…] Les Liberanos, our federal Liberals, those masters of perverse pleasures, were as gleeful in reminding critics that it was Mulroney’s Conservatives, in 1987, who lowered the age to 14, as ChrÃ

Joel Johannesen
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