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I warned you to listen for “Trudeau”.

(Hat tip to conservativegal)

I warned you earlier today that as Conservative fortunes rise, the liberal-left media will pull the Trudeau card on innocent unsuspecting Canadians, because they think invoking that name will remind Canadians of glorious days of benevolent liberaldom and fabulous CBC-ing.  Of course the liberal-left mainstream media have recently proved themselves to be just short of a national joke, and a biased stereotyping one at that, so there’s absolutely no need to fear them.

I said:

The media invoking the name “Trudeau” is sure to cheer up many liberals in liberal-land.  And socialists.  And Fidel Castro. 

Conservatives will roll their eyes and after thinking about it a bit, laugh.

As if on cue, a couple of hours ago the leftist Toronto Star, for whom Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro are patron saints, joined the others and invoked the Trudeau card today with this handy Canadian Press article which sensible people would properly ignore and dismiss out of hand:

Alexandre Trudeau questions terror law

Says government hasn’t proved Adil Charkaoui a threat to national security

Apr. 7, 2006. 05:10 PM

MONTREAL — Alexandre Trudeau said Friday he would chaperone a man with alleged links to Al Qaeda to make the suspect’s life easier, prompting questions about his late father’s crackdown on Quebec terrorists.

“I wasn’t alive then,” said Trudeau before declining to comment on any suggested similarities between the security certificate used to arrest Adil Charkaoui and the War Measures Act invoked by then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau in 1970 to lock up hundreds of Quebecers.

Trudeau testified at a hearing for Charkaoui, who was arrested in 2003 on allegations by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service he has links to the Al Qaeda terror network.

He was released from detention in 2005 on several conditions he is now trying to have quashed.

Failing that, several supporters, including Trudeau, have offered to chaperone him.

“I don’t think he’s a threat to national security,” Trudeau said after testifying. “The government . . .certainly hasn’t proved that he might be. I think it’s our job as the public to demand that the government prove that he is a threat and, if he is, to act in accordance.

“But they haven’t proved it. They’ve put out some very vague and summary allegations that are not tested and we have no reason to listen to a government that says `trust us with this, we know what’s best for you’.

Pierre Trudeau did basically that in 1970 when he invoked the War Measures Act, ordering the roundup of more than 450 Quebecers suspected of being Front de liberation du Quebec sympathizers.


Two Trudeaus had already been mentioned today.  This makes it three. 

They’re not saying all the right things though, as any hardcore liberal-left fundamentalists will tell you —and I’m not sure the leftist media are astute enough to realize this.  Amongst Alexadre’s tirade above, he uttered some most un-liberal-like words, as I highligted above.  Another Trudeau, Justin, said a couple of weeks ago (as I mentioned this morning), when speaking of his pet “Katimavik” youth program:

“As you look at what the Conservative government stands for, it’s the engagement of the individual, the empowerment of everyone, and the taking on of personal responsibility, not just waiting for the government to do anything,” he says. “That’s what this program’s all about: Sending young people out there to take on the world and make a difference.”


That’s just funny.

Joel Johannesen
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