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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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I feel like I’ve said everything. Hmm.

Lately I read articles in the news and editorials and think, yeah, I’ve been over that a thousand times.

This sort of thing has happened to me several times over the years, but I feel like I’m in the middle of a sort of writer/editorialist Mojave Desert at the moment. 

Remember when, just before 9/11, the big news story was a contrived BS story about a Congressman, Gary Condit, and charges leveled against him about dating and then killing his intern Chandra Levy

Maybe that’s what’s going on now.  Even on Fox News, which I can normally count on to bring me the important stuff and keep my ears and mind piqued, is running this story:

I turn to CBC and I literally can’t watch it, it’s so ridiculously boring and glib and buffoonish with its idiotic and left-wing perspective on every single thing, to say nothing of the horrible anchors and delivery generally, its awful overall look, and that droning Eurobeat as they go into and come out of commercials. 

And politicians from the you’ve got to be kidding party, particularly, today, the New Democrat time-waster Charlie Angus and his Montreal comrade-in-waste Thomas Mulcair, I mean come on.  Can Canadian taxpayers get a refund on these guys?  That whole party?  What a waste.

•  CHOO-CHOO ca CHOO.  Or just cah-cah.
I did like this story.  It sounds so… Canadian liberal-left:


Joel Johannesen
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