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I don’t think you should call your daughter a pig

Famous Hollywood carbon footprint liberal and rabid Bush-hater Alec Baldwin, who has mused about running for President or New York State governor as a liberal Democrat, said before the last election that if George Bush won, it would be a good time to leave the United States (for France, presumably).  Bush won, and he didn’t leave.  Perhaps France wouldn’t take him. 

I imagine that today, he wishes he’d have left, for anywhere. 

Today he’s making the news, but only on Fox News Channel —and other news outlets that provide you with ALL the news rather than just that which they’d like you to know about —for calling his 12-year-old daughter on the phone and leaving a rabid frothing-at-the-mouth message telling her that she’s a “rude little pig”, and that she makes him “feel like sh*t”, and that her mother [his ex-wife Kim Basinger] is “a thoughtless pain in the ass”, and “you don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being,” among other things.  And “I’m gonna straighten your ass out when I see you—understand me?”  And more. 

image You can listen here if you want, but I don’t recommend it (courtesy of

Liberals, we must remember, are “the compassionate” ones.  The “tolerant” ones.  “The “intelligent”, “nuanced” ones who constantly lecture us about using “diplomacy” and “discussion” and, instruct us to talk to terrorists and tyrannical dictators over tea and buns rather than being mean to them.  Daughters are, of course, another thing.

Other notable Alec Baldwin quotes which the liberal media find perfectly acceptable and which keeps him on the air and in movies:

– “Stone [Republican congressman] Henry Hyde to death!  We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families. What is happening in this country? What is happening? UGHHH!”

– “Bush is the puppet of wealthy corporate interests and red-faced Christian conservatives…”

– In one of his notorious Rosie O’Donnell-style blog entries, he shared a dream of killing Vice President Dick Cheney wherein a dead Usama Bin Laden is thrown off an apartment building… “Then, in the final stroke of luck, Bin Laden lands on Dick Cheney.”

– “The leadership of the Republican Party are a bunch of sociopathic maniacs who have their lips super-glued to the ass of the conservative right.”

– “I know that’s a harsh thing to say, perhaps, but I believe that what happened in 2000 did as much damage to the pillars of democracy as terrorists did to the pillars of commerce in New York City.”

– Described President Bush as “a CIA mass murderer owned by oil companies.”

– Described Cheney as a “constitution hating sociopath” and a “hate-filled maniac”.

– He has recently called Vice President Dick Cheney a terrorist, and claimed that “he terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately.”. He later recanted this statement, saying that Cheney was not a terrorist but rather “a lying, thieving oil whore and a murderer of the U.S. Constitution”.

– Called conservative Fox News commentator and radio show host Sean Hannity a “no talent, former construction worker, hack.”

[Joel observes: calling someone a ‘construction worker’ is considered an insult to a liberal-leftist. Duly noted.]


– “I am a hope-to-die, carry-me-out-in-a-box Democrat.”

He’s also a college drop-out. 

Here’s why this story is important:  people listen to him, and take him seriously, as he can and does use his fame and fortune from TV series and appearances and movies as another of the liberal-left’s many bully pulpits to turn America against conservatives and Republicans —and indeed against America itself.  It’s important that we understand these people. 

I don’t doubt that at the root of all of this, this is a custody battle being played out in public by two Hollywood elites—and as despicable as that is—using their daughter as a pawn, really—we can learn from that too.


Joel Johannesen
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