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I usually support the troops. But not this Warman.

The troops I support fight wars for freedom: free speech, free-markets and capitalism, and our foundation of Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was built. Some of us enjoy this way of life.

There are actually people out there fighting against that, as you know. In Canada.

So a couple of good friends to all conservatives, Connie and Mark Fournier, are fighting for their freedom. Literally.

Well their freedom, and yours too.

Very briefly (because this story is years in the making), some 13 years ago, Connie and Mark founded and ran one of the greatest, most free Free_Dominion-288x152pxpolitical discussion forums anywhere. It was a forum for principled conservatives. Therefore, as if I had to tell you, left-wingers and the intolerant foes of conservatism and foes of free speech and of freedom generally have tried  —  for years  —  to shut it down. They’ve tried everything.

This week, though, they might just have succeeded. Free Dominion has been shut down as a result of a legal necessity, due to a battle waged against them by activist Richard Warman.

Some people actually support Richard Warman. I do not.

Connie and Mark, whom I vehemently support, have launched a fund-raising effort to help fight this battle. It is an extremely important battle to win. Here is their mass email:

Free Dominion has been CLOSED by Richard Warman

Hi, FD Friends!

Once again I’m emailing you with a Free Dominion legal update because you have helped us in the past, and/or you are on our list of friends who are interested in keeping up with our cases. (Please let me know if you no longer want to get these status reports.)

It is with a heavy heart that I write to tell you that Free Dominion is closed. 

Richard Warman was able to obtain a court-ordered injunction that would put us in prison if words that were found to be defamatory were posted on our website.

We are considered to have published a post if it appears on Free Dominion, even if we did not make the post ourselves and it was done without our knowledge or approval…even if we take it down.

Obviously, given the propensity of our opponents for using anonymous identities for all kinds of skullduggery, we would be foolish to give them the opportunity to post something that would get us charged with contempt of court and thrown into prison!

That is why we had to close Free Dominion to the public.

We are going to fight this decision because it is effectively a lifelong ban from us ever operating a website where the public can comment.  It is also very dangerous case law for other Canadians who allow comments on their own sites.

Since we are also still fighting four other cases, we’ve started an indiegogo fundraiser for our legal fund.  Now we don’t have Free Dominion as a means to spread the word, so we would appreciate it greatly if you would send out the link to the fundraiser to your networks.  There is a video there where we explain the situation.

Please note that the fundraiser is in US funds, so take that into account if you donate.

If you feel more inclined, you can also help out using an Interac Email Money Transfer to [email protected].

And our mailing address is:

Connie Fournier
2000 Unity Rd
Elginburg, ON  K0H 1M0

Thank you to all of you who have been so faithful with your prayers, your support and your donations over the past 7 years.

We will not give up.  We will keep on fighting as long as we can continue to put one foot in front of the other.

Our online freedom of speech is too important to relinquish to the courts.

Fondest Regards,
Connie and Mark

Connie and Mark are literally fighting for freedom and for conservatives to be allowed a forum for the free exchange of ideas. Not just their forum  —  all forums including this one and whichever other forums you like. All conservatives  —  no let me change that. All Canadians of every political stripe should embrace this battle and support it, just as we support our troops fighting terrorists. Support the troops, and support the mission. Stand up for Canada and our way of life.


Joel Johannesen
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