Under the w-a-a-a-y overselling heading “The Most Outrageous March 16 Tea Party Protest Signs (PHOTOS)”, the far-left Huffington Post web site (so far left they actually criticize President Obama for not being left-wing enough) huffs today that a recent tea party rally had some terrible (nay, “outrageous!”) signs. Under the overcooked heading, they provide a slide show including the likes of these two examples and 15 others much like them, only maybe a couple of which rose to the level of being almost 1/100 as brutal as those we saw (but nobody in the media saw) in some of those 8,658 militant anti-George Bush left-wing near-riot protests, demanding he be alternately hung, jailed, buried, stabbed, shot, and calling him a fascist, evil, a Nazi, Hitler, worse than Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden put together, a dumb-ass, a war criminal, a genocidal maniac, a murderer, a liar… and others (see bottom of blog entry).
Here’s one they deem to be among the tea party rally’s “MOST OUTRAGEOUS”. They entitled this “‘Stop Spendin’”:
Stop Spendin’? What the ….?! Why that’s an awful idea! KEEP SPENDIN’!
(Oh OK maybe they thought spelling it “spendin’” (without a G for God’s sake!) was what was outrageous. I agree! OUTRA-A-A-A-GEOUS!)
And then there’s this “outrage”, entitled “Obummer” and “Pelousy” in their li’l slide show:
The outrage! They done spelled Obama wrong! RACISTS! And look! Pelosi is spelled like… why it’s “Pe…lousy”! O-U-T-R-A-A-A-G-E-O-U-S-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!…
Going back a tiny bit in history, here’s some from my files that the Huffington Post thought weren’t “OUTRAGEOUS!” but rather “just dandy”:
I’ve got about a thousand examples of the likes of these absolutely lovely protest posters missed by the crack squads of intrepid investigative journalists at HuffPo and all the liberal-left and progressive media
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