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Huffington blows out

The fantastic Media Research Center’s nearly daily CyberAlerts is juicy today. 

image I liked this particular Alert (below) because it mentions our weekly columnist Ann Coulter, and its subject is an interview conducted by our former columnist John Stossel, the famous host on ABC News’ 20/20 program (I had to quit his good free-market and smaller government promoting column when PTBC reader cash ran out (we have even less now…) ). 

And because Stossel’s interview is with Mizzz Huffington of the far-left web site the Huffington Post. As I’ve pointed out several times now, the Canadian left’s state-owned CBC ♥ their Huffington Post, and their many guest “experts” on political matters magically hail from the Huffington Post, including even the “Editor” of the Huffington Post).

According to the CyberAlert, Stossel’s interview with left-winger Arianna Huffington began like this:

JOHN STOSSEL: The posts on her site lean left, and Huffington’s newest book, out just this week, is called Right is Wrong. These days I get labeled a right-winger because I no longer believe government programs are the best way to solve problems. So some of her bloggers attack me. John Stossel’s a “pathological liar,” I’m “spewing myths, lies and downright stupidity.” Somebody else calls me “stupid,” “contrarian,” “blowhard.”

…which all sounds very familiar to me.  Typical counter-argument from a liberal upon reading or hearing a conservative thought that (as usual) they can’t refute:  “You’re stupid”! 

  …The ABC host then challenged her on the global warming issue:

    STOSSEL: Huffington has also joined the war on global warming. However, you live in a $7 million house. You’re burning more carbon than 100 people in the Third World.
    HUFFINGTON: There is no question that the fact that I’m living in a big house, I occasionally travel on private planes, all those things are a contradiction. I’m not setting myself up as some paragon who only goes around on a bicycle and lives by candlelight.

Hang on.  Yes you are setting yourself up as a paragon.  Why lie?  Oh yeah.  Because you’re a total hypocrite.  And your real cause and hidden agenda is far less than noble. 

In typical liberal elitist, socialist-like fashion, Huffington expects everyone on Earth to do as she says, not as she does.  Because she knows better, and she’s entitled to more than the rest.  Because she’s Arianna Huffington, rich person.  Peace. 

The piece then moved to Huffington’s complaint that a John McCain presidency would be a “disaster for America,” and her charge that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Bill O’Reilly have “hijacked America by hijacking public policy.”

    HUFFINGTON: It’s now the right of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly.
    STOSSEL: This is the “lunatic fringe that’s hijacked America”?
    HUFFINGTON: Exactly, the lunatic fringe that’s hijacked America.
    STOSSEL: How have they hijacked America?
    HUFFINGTON: They’ve hijacked America by hijacking public policy.
    STOSSEL, WITH SARCASM: This makes Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly very powerful if they can do this.
    HUFFINGTON: They are very powerful, but they will not be as powerful after we finish dealing with them. [LAUGHS]

…Which makes me wonder what Huffington plans to do to them to reduce their “power” after she’s “finish[ed] dealing with them”.  Silence them in some way?  (Laugh.  Laugh laugh. Oh the laughter over silencing free speech when it’s emanating from popular mainstream conservatives.) 

And by the way, as you may have noticed even if the apparently not very alert Huffington hasn’t, neither Limbaugh, Coulter, nor O’Reilly have even the slightest ♥heart-on♥  for McCain.  Quite the contrary.  McCain himself distances himself from those three and most all conservatives, for that matter, even more so than the great Barack Hussein Obama distances himself from the far-left radical nutbar fringe lunatic, his mentor Jeremiah Wright. 

And just how “fringe-y” could these people be if they’re “hijacking public policy”?  I must be stupid! 

As I’ve also pointed out before, trying to marginalize people you disagree with by calling them part of the “lunatic fringe” only works when they are in fact the “lunatic fringe”.  But when you’re the political world’s most famous and popular and most influential radio talk show host by far (Rush Limbaugh); one of the most famous, sought-after, influential, and New York Times best-selling authors of six books and among the most popular and spoken of columnists of the past 15 years (Ann Coulter); or the host of the most watched cable news program on the most popular cable news network in the United States, often doubling the viewership of the nearest rival, Larry King, and all the others combined, and a best-selling author, and radio talk-show host with huge numbers (Bill O’Reilly);  you are, by definition, “mainstream and wildly popular”, not a “lunatic fringe”

But nice try. 

Arianna Huffington and her guest columnists and bloggers are far closer to that definition, and in many cases have far exceeded even that definition. 

Read the whole article at Media Research Center and the associated entry at their blog.  Or else you’re so stupid! 


Hillary Clinton has just announced that she will appear on “lunatic fringe” Bill O’Reilly’s O’Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel, on Wednesday, April 30.

Joel Johannesen
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