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Hot-House Humans! Get yer Hot-House Humans!

Forget about penises and vaginas.  They’re stupid!

What the hell is the matter with you?  Aren’t you “modern”?  Aren’t you thinkin’ like a liberal?  Do you still think there are “mommies” and “daddies” and “kids” and that one mommy and one daddy together form a “Canadian family”?  Neo-con!

In liberal-absurd Ontario, where they insist on squeezing toothpaste out of the tube from whence it will be impossible to put it back in, and liberal voters who are incapable of seeing beyond their next orgasm insist on continuing this insanity, the liberal courts division of the liberal-left has decided that two lesbian “moms” as well as the biological “dad” (a “friend” of one of the lesbians who “contributed” his sperm to make this hot-house human, not unlike hot-house tomatoes), are all considered the boy’s legal parents now —not by the word of “God” (he’s so, like, stupid!), but by the word of liberals (same thing to liberals).

This is “progressive”.  Once again:  “progressive”.  But do you think the “progressives” (that’s code for liberals) are done now?  All their work is completed?  They’ll stop here and simply start, I don’t know, looking for a job and working?  Well hardly.  This kind of “progress” by “progressives” never stops!  There’s still that whole penis and vagina thing to put an end to, to say nothing of “Christians”!

The state-run far-leftist CBC gleefully reports—and I do believe they report it gleefully:

The Appeal Court ruled that the provincial legislation dealing with issues of custody, the Children’s Law Reform Act, no longer reflects current society.

See?  Current thinking is way cooler than that old conservative thinking!  Canada was stupid before!  That’s why liberals and the left so hate Canada, and the way it was built —and seek/demand to change it—mostly through their liberal-appointed courts, of course, since “the people” are too stupid.  “Progressives” are so, um, trendy!

“There is no doubt that the legislature did not foresee for the possibility of declarations of parentage for two women, but that is a product of the social conditions and medical knowledge


at the time,” they wrote.

Yes, that whole mommy and daddy and “penis/vagina” thing was de rigeur back in the day.  That’s when life in Canada was REALLY crappy and the snow was REALLY deep!  And we didn’t know that two lesbos could create life!  Now it’s so modern and “progressive”, and it’s getting “progressiver”!  Yummy!  Can’t wait for that first doggy/mommy hot-house “boy”.

Meanwhile the liberalvision CTV on their website reports the Canadian Press version of the story, which quite appropriately reads like an instruction manual for batteries or a PlayStation game:

Court was told the child has three parents: his biological father and mother (identified in court documents as B.B. and C.C., respectively) and C.C.‘s partner, the appellant A.A.

A.A. and C.C. have been in a stable same-sex union since 1990. In 1999, they decided to start a family with the assistance of their friend B.B.

The two women would be the primary caregivers of the child, but they believed it would be in the child’s best interests that B.B. remain involved in the child’s life.

The boy refers to A.A. and C.C. as his mothers.

Vote LPC or NDP!  That’s liberal!  That’s progressive!

Joel Johannesen
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