Great article at the National Post today about Canada’s success in Afghanistan. (Another hat tip to The Patriot).
Let me start you off by pulling this quote out of the midst of the article, alluding to a statement made by the appropriately (if serendipitously)-named Lt. Col. Ian Hope:
The key to success in the country, as it was at the beginning of the mission, was to convince Afghans that Canada and its allies would stay the course, Hope added.
That won’t sit well with liberals in Canada, who are against staying the course, or even being on the course, preferring instead to chat about terror while enjoying a nice cup of tea and a bun with the Taliban.
In an upbeat progress report Thursday, Lt. Col. Ian Hope expressed great pride at how troops in his Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group had developed as warriors since arriving in Afghanistan untested in combat four months ago.
“I’ve seen them grow, every single one of them,” Hope said during a briefing at his fishing camp-like plywood headquarters near the Kandahar Airfield. “On Nov. 1st, when they sit down for a beer with a vet of World War II and the Korean War, they will speak at a level that others can’t identify.”
The battle hardened leader of Canada’s first combat mission in more than half a century vowed his high tempo mission with infantry out almost constantly in searing heat, conducting patrols and sweeps against the Taliban would not slow at all until it is replaced next month by a similar battle group from the Royal Canadian Regiment.
The Patricia’s had the Taliban on the defensive and would continue to “carry on very aggressively” against the enemy during the crucial transition period when the U.S.-led mission switches to NATO control on July 31, Hope said.
“We have had successes,” the Edmonton resident said, citing how his troops protected the flanks of British and Dutch battle groups as they moved thousands of soldiers and equipment into Helmand and Uruzgan provinces in June. “These two conditions were vital for the transition of Operation Enduring Freedom to a NATO mandate at the end of this month.”
Canadians to carry on “aggressively” against Taliban
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