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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Holy Crikey! The Taliban would laugh at Jack!

Doug Giles Michael Coren

Our weekly column from Doug Giles is now posted.  Doug Giles is one funny Christian (“Holy Crikey!”).  And it just happens to go well with Michael Coren’s (a friend of PTBC and frequent guest columnist) latest, which he obliged us with this morning.  It’s called “We should nuke Iran”.  (Please send your kudos to Michael’s editor at the Toronto Sun—he’s apparently getting blasted from the left with their famous “colorful language of tolerance and compassion” on this one! [ [email protected] ] ). 

Paul Jackson Salim Mansur

Paul Jackson’s bi-weekly column is also now up.  Also don’t miss Salim Mansur’s column from yesterday.  90 seconds each, and you’ll be smarter after reading them, guaranteed.

Licia Corbella Another must-read today is from outside of PTBC—Calgary Sun columnist Licia Corbella’s column.  She unwittingly helps explain how I coined the real name of the NDP (the you’ve got to be kidding party).  It takes 90 seconds to read and it will stick with you.  [Taliban would laugh at Jack —at the Calgary Sun, not here].

Oh I have to give you at least one paragraph from Doug Giles’ column today:

The German Church, which should have been a major player in defying Nazism, instead kum-ba-yah’d their way into Stupidville and assisted those goose-stepping asses in rolling out the red carpet for Adolph’s Mein Krap.

Good stuff. This is why I call PTBC “conservative…with bite!”.

Joel Johannesen
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