Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Hollywood (French) liberals appoint fair and balanced Sean Penn to head Cannes jury

Sean Penn I don’t know why, but this reminds me of the Liberal Party governments of the past 35 years, and the Supreme Court; the parole board; the entire, vast national and provincial government bureaucracies and civil service; the state-run CBC; our Iranian-style state-regulator of what we’re allowed to watch on TV and listen to on the radio and in what Canadian content ratio (the CRTC), and other such things. 

Actor-director Sean Penn to head Cannes jury

The Associated Press

PARIS—Organizers of the Cannes Film Festival say American actor and director Sean Penn will head the awards jury this year. …

As PTBC’er Maureen, who sent me this item said, “Watch for Hugo Chavez to become a film maker”.

Joel Johannesen
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