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Heard on radio: Left-wing moonbat oozes brain poo; and Marxist union not left wing.

Heard on radio station CKWX News 1130 (Vancouver) while brushing teeth in preparation for a dentist appointment:

1. Apparently, a (and I quote) “Right-Wing” think tank from the east coast has said that according to their view of the matter, teachers’ unions should be reigned in a tad—for example teachers’ salaries should be based on actual merit instead of how long they’ve managed to keep their jobs without getting fired, and other such “Right-Wing” craziness.  Now as I understand it, shockingly, this expression of non-Marxist ideas has of course angered the notoriously militant and some say outright Marxist B.C. Teachers Federation, which the radio station’s “news” investigators obviously sought-out in order to get the regular anti-conservative feedback (because that’s required as per the liberal media guidebook—No conservative idea can be left unanswered by the Left!), and which as I noted while I carefully listened, is not even remotely (quote) “Left-Wing”.  They’re just “The BC Teachers Federation”.  They’re just normal I guess. 

You see, if someone publicly proposes something non-left-wing—or non-Marxist—they’re “Right-Wing”.  In other words:  CAUTION!  What you’re about to hear is “Right-Wing”, so it take it with a haYUGE grain of salt!  But those whose left-wing ideas they oppose are not “Left-Wing”.  They’re just “normal”.  Clear?  OK!  Now you’re thinkin’ like a liberal-leftist, just like the folks on the radio. Of course the difference is that (A) You actually know the difference and (B) They’re so liberal-leftist—it’s so ingrained in their brains and souls, that they no longer even know how left-wing they are any more.  They just think they’re normal.

2. And then suddenly a nutbar (my word, clearly) from the Green Party (he’s actually running to be leader of the BC Green Party) starting oozing brain poo on the radio.  He suggests that the state-owned and state-run car insurance monopoly “corporation” in BC should change the way they force people to insure their cars, such that the more you drive, the more you pay.  It doesn’t matter what the heck your life is like.  The state owns the thing, it’s a monopoly, you have no choice… EUREKA! He said it’s the only way to stop people from driving so much and increasing all the man-made global warming—and of course it would reduce crashes!  It’s for the kids!

Now, in order to help us idiots better understand his complex formula, he then likened the current system to one of those buffet lunches in which you pay for it in advance, and are then inclined, because you’re so, so, totally stupid, to eat like a crazed cow just to get your money’s worth.  Similarly, he said, people drive more and more—as much as they can, I guess—because they feel as though they have to get their money’s worth out of their insurance premium. 

I’m not sure how stupid he is, but I’m smarter than that, and more serious than that, and busier than that, as I think most Canadians are.  But liberals always think they know best, and think you are stupid and need the state to think for you and force you to behave in the way they see as best for you and your family. 

This is of course the most stupid—and insulting—proposition I have heard in at least a week from a left-wing tribe member.  And it speaks to reason number 8,944 why the state has no business being in the corporate world where, as brain poo moments like this reveal, they exist mostly so that the state—the liberals’ bureaucrats and geniuses who know better than you and me—can control our lives, as they think they must. 

“The Left” really ought to send the memo to that Green Party nutbar that revealing the left’s hidden agenda like that is against the rules. 

On the positive side, their oozing of brain poo always serves the interests of the nation.  Exposing their lunacy is healthy. 


Joel Johannesen
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