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Headlines in Liberal Media: Calgary Stampede Ain’t Liberal!

Liberals in Toronto have feelings, you know.  They must be heard too.  So forget about the Calgary Stampede—listen to liberals profess their great knowledge about all things liberal!  And how all things should be liberal and politically correct and “progressive”!

For example, they say, we must tame the Calgary Stampede!  They use horses, you know!  And after all, horses are people too!  At least they are to liberals. 

Kindly conduct an inquiry employing liberals and many many bureaucrats into the whole stampedey-ness of the Calgarians and their cowboy thingy-dingy!, liberals are being heard to



And there’s nothing more unpalatable to liberals than Calgary, and Alberta, and cowboys, and stampedes.  Especially when there’s no Canadian taxpayer-subsidized liberal arts and feelings festivals or gay pride



months currently taking place in Toronto. 

Outraged by the chuckwagon races in Calgary, which aren’t liberal (you know, like penises being exposed in gay pride parades and gay men thrusting four-foot tubes into and out of their flies and up their butts to simulate gay sex in parades through Toronto’s town squares for our nations’ kids), not once so far but twice, the liberals’ Globe and Mail (also known as left and lefter) suffered through the reporting about the death of two horses at the Calgary Stampede’s chuckwagon races.  It must stop!  It’s mean!  It’s cowboyish!  It’s traditional!  People get dirty!  Filthy!  For the love of


the deity you’re most comfortable with if any at all preferably none —call PETA! 

First night of Stampede leaves two horses dead
On-line 08/07/06 11:17 PM [08/07/06 is Euroliberal for July 8]

Two horses die during race on first night of Stampede
Print Edition 10/07/06 Page A8 [10/07/06 is Euroliberal for July 10]

(Both the exact same story.)

Then, after having done some good liberal values agenda-driven reporting, their readership now duly set-up with their liberal information, they conduct another one of their famous online polls to verify the veracity of their liberal lectures. 

Should the Calgary Stampede be forced to stop the chuckwagon races? they ask, once again expecting their liberal readers to see things correctly.  Politically correctly.  Liberal-style.  Or what they call in liberal circles “Canadian values”, which only liberals can define properly.  From Toronto.  For the folks in Calgary. 

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Joel Johannesen
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