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Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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Harper’s course is substance over fluff

Time and again since the election campaign started and right through to this past week we’ve seen where new Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his administration have chosen substance over fluff. 

Choosing to focus on policy and real issues and making tough decisions even if they’re unpopular and doing serious hard work, instead of rhetoric and photo ops and constantly appeasing and answering and reporting to the self-important conservative-bashing liberal media.  We’ve seen where he was in complete control of the agenda every single day during the election, and he continues to be in total control of the agenda today. 

This is driving the left and their media —who have controlled the agenda for decades— utterly batty. 

We know this is true because the old liberal mainstream media is in such an abysmal disarray and in such an embarrassing hissy-fit.  Some of them are acting like spoiled, bratty, belligerent little children, whining about not getting stories told to them—on demand— like in days of old.  Not getting cutesy photo-ops on demand.  Not hearing jejune liberal-left propaganda suckup quotes eight times a day—on demand (or even if they don’t want them).  Not getting inside scoops—on demand.  Not getting anti-conservative ammunition handed to them from Liberal government/Liberal Party insiders —on demand.  CTV/Globe and Mail reporter Jane Tabor repeating over and over that the Harper administration “is in hiding”.  “Not communicating”. 

The media is getting all their stories wrong, completely misreading the pulse of the nation, concentrating on things Canadians don’t care about, misleading and fumbling and making stuff up.  The final proof of their abject disarray is that all of this notwithstanding, they accuse the Conservatives of being “in disarray”. 

Of course what the sensible set (that’s you, Canadian) knows is that what the Harper Conservative administration is actually doing is “working”.  Making actual “progress”.  Being “serious”.  “Working for a better Canada”.  The media is despondent because far from having a “hidden agenda”, the agenda is so utterly visible and they don’t want to report it—never have wanted to. 

The Canadian media never worried about a “hidden agenda”.  That was a lie.  They worried that the Conservative agenda wouldn’t be hidden. 

Harper Administration at work: in the Prime Minister’s office with Peter MacKay and new U.S. Ambassador Michael Wilson
Harper administration…. working!
REUTERS-Chris Wattie photo

There probably hasn’t been an administration so organized, focused, and forthright, in decades.  It has and will continue to take the liberal-left media some time to grow up and adapt.  The CBC may have to hire at least one conservative-thinking person just to conduct study sessions for the state employees of the state-run media —to help them figure it all out, and to help them to get over it all emotionally, of course.  But at least the new employee will have to join a public-sector union. 

As if to drive the liberal-left media totally nuts, Prime Minister Harper is now said to be considering going to Afghanistan as his first international trip.  Serious stuff.  Not fun for media, and hardly anti-conservative or anti-Bush.  Not Turin for an Olympics photo-op.  Not to visit Bill Clinton at a Bush-bashing feminist and animal rights environmental rally and Hollywood liberal-fest.  Not even to meet-up with the President of the country soon to “take over Canada” once Mr. Harper gets around to giving it to him, President Bush. 

Mr. Harper would make all Canadians proud and the media sad with a visit to one of the fronts of the war on terror—or what Canada’s state-run media CBC calls “the ‘so called’ war on terror”.  The “so-called” war on terror is the most important actual issue of our lifetimes.  The media still hasn’t figured that out yet.  Perhaps if the state-run CBC can find one reporter and cameraman brave enough to tag along (and assuming the union will let them), they’ll report that the war is in fact real.  There are people out there who want us all dead.  The threat is real.  It’s really happening.  Canadians will be shocked.  (Then maybe if they can stomach talking to a “scientist” other than the overtly left-wing anti-corporate environmentalist industry leader David Suzuki, they’ll figure out that Kyoto bunk too.  No sorry—too radical.  Baby steps!).

Harper considering Afghanistan for first foreign trip

Stephen Harper is considering one of the most chaotic corners of Afghanistan as a preferred destination for his first prime ministerial foreign trip.

Perilous, sandswept Kandahar is being weighed against a more genteel option—visits with the presidents of the U.S. and Mexico—for Harper’s first trip abroad.

Harper is expected to make all those stops eventually. He began pondering the Afghanistan option in the days after his election win.

In a post-election briefing with top military brass, Harper was urged to visit Canadian troops stationed in the southern Afghan city.

The prime minister was told that such a visit would send a strong message about his commitment to the military, and about Canada’s desire to make a difference in the world.

Officials in at least two federal departments said Harper has expressed support for the idea—without committing to it.

“Everybody’s talking about it,’’ said one federal official.

Another official said he found it significant that the one foreign country Harper mentioned in his Jan. 23 victory speech was Afghanistan—not the U.S. or any other European ally.

He followed up that election-night address with a speech days later to a group of Canadian election monitors preparing to leave for Haiti.

“Canada may not be a superpower—but we stand for higher values to which all peoples aspire,’’ Harper told the audience.

“And it is important that our actions as Canadians promote these values in all corners of the Earth.’’ […]

Joel Johannesen
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